Cuju - Wikipedia
Cuju or Ts'u-chü (Chinese: 蹴鞠; pinyin: cù jū) is an ancient Chinese football game, that resembles a mix of basketball, association football and volleyball. [1] [2] FIFA cites cuju as the earliest form of a kicking game for which there is documentary evidence, a military manual from the Han dynasty. [3]
蹴鞠 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
蹴鞠是一種以腳擊球的運動,相傳最早是中國的黃帝為了訓練士兵而發明 [4] ,文字記載可以上溯至戰國時代,大部分學者認為蹴鞠起源於戰國的齊國(現今山東 臨淄),本為軍訓之用,進而演變為遊戲。 漢代名將衛青、霍去病率軍駐守邊疆時,曾閑時蹴鞠。 蹴鞠运动也见于朝鲜、日本和越 …
Cuju -- Ancient Chinese Football - China Daily
About 2,500 years ago in China there was a similar game called "Cuju", which, according to the International Football Association, was the origin of football as a sport. "Cu" ("to kick") and "ju" (a type of leather ball filled with feathers) became popular …
蹴鞠,又名“蹋鞠”、“蹴球”、“蹴圆”、“筑球”、“踢圆”等,“蹴”有用脚蹴、蹋、踢的含义,“鞠”最早系外包皮革、内实米糠的球。因而“蹴鞠”就是指古人以脚蹴、蹋、踢皮球的活动,类似今日的足球。据史料记载,早在战国时期中国民间就流行娱乐性的蹴鞠游戏,而从汉代开始又 ...
What Is Cuju Sport?-First Football Game In History - Son Of China
2021年12月19日 · Cuju Meaning. Cuju is regarded as an ancient Chinese ball game. It is a competitive game involving kicking the ball through a large opening and into a net, and just like modern-day football, hands can be used when playing Cuju. But unlike modern football or soccer, Cuju features some variations in the playing and scoring style.
Cuju: exploring ancient roots of modern soccer from China - 新华网
2024年5月25日 · In honor of this milestone, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution on May 7, designating May 25 as World Football Day. Did you know that modern soccer has roots in ancient China? Meet Cuju, a game with a history of over 2,000 years that is recognized by FIFA as one of the earliest competitive ball games using the feet.
Origins - Cuju in China - FIFA Museum Editorials
The Chinese ball game of cuju has a history dating back over 2,000 years, with mythical origins harking back to an even earlier age. Cuju is often written as ts’u-chü and translates literally as “kick-ball”. The name served as a catch-all to describe a number of different versions of a game in which the ball was kicked, many of which ...
蹴鞠,被历史玩坏的中国古代足球 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
两千三百年前中国人就在玩足球 蹴鞠 公元前319年,也就是距今两千三百多年,有一种叫蹴鞠(cuju)的球形物体,在战国时期齐国故都临淄被玩得不亦乐乎。
Cuju, archetype of modern game of football - Chinadaily.com.cn
2010年6月15日 · Cuju revival in modern China Spring is the best period for playing Cuju. In current China, many people choose this game as a way to exercise while experiencing China's traditional culture.
Cuju, the forerunner of modern soccer-China Story - 中国好故事
2019年8月8日 · In ancient China, Ju was a kind of rubber ball with leather skin outside and feather stuffed inside. Cuju means "kick the ball with foot". It was a popular sport played by ancient Chinese which is similar to today’s soccer game. History. During the Warring States Period (476-221 BC), Cuju was used as fitness training for military cavaliers.
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