ACS Mater. Lett.┃铜镍纳米晶片在CO2还原和燃料电池氧还原电极 …
2021年7月16日 · 新加坡南洋理工大学的Jong-Min Lee副教授团队通过配体π-π堆叠自组装的方法成功合成了铜镍双金属纳米晶片。 其具有几十个原子层厚度的薄片正六边形形貌、均匀的尺寸分布和双金属相融合的稳定晶体结构(图1)。 图1. 铜镍纳米晶片的形貌表征尺寸统计和合成机理。 图2中的XRD和XPS表征结果显示铜和镍元素呈零价态并相互充分均匀融合。 XANES和UPS表征结果显示镍元素的引入有助于降低功函数,减小价带数值,镍和铜的协同作用有助于促进电子的转 …
The XPS spectra of Cu@Ni NWs. Cu 2p (a) and Ni 2p (b).
XPS data could provide sensitive information about the surface chemical composition of Cu@Ni NWs. In the XPS spectra ( Fig. 2a), two Cu peaks at binding energies of 932.7 and 952.8 eV were...
Efficient and versatile CuNi alloy nanocatalysts for the highly ...
2017年4月1日 · Highly dispersed CuNi alloy nanoparticle supported catalysts are fabricated. Selectivity-switchable conversion of furfural to THFA or FOL with CuNi alloy catalysts. The CuNi alloy promoted by synergy shows excellent catalytic property and stability. The structure-activity relationships in CuNi alloy catalysts are studied in detail.
A surface-modified antiperovskite as an electrocatalyst for water ...
2018年6月13日 · Here, we propose an antiperovskite-based porous Cu 1−x NNi 3−y /FeNiCu (oxy)hydroxide core–shell structured hybrid (denoted as p-Cu 1−x NNi 3−y /FeNiCu, with x and y representing defect) as a...
Graphene Chainmail Shelled Dilute Ni─Cu Alloy for Selective and …
Cost-effective non-noble metal-based catalysts for selective hydrogenation with excellent activity, selectivity, and durability are still the holy grail. Herein, an oxygen-doped carbon (OC) chainmail encapsulated dilute Cu–Ni alloy is developed by simple pyrolysis of …
Sea-Island-Like Morphology of CuNi Bimetallic Nanoparticles
2020年1月20日 · To further the oxidation states of Cu-Ni in CuNi/GO-I and CuNi/GO-II were investigated by XPS analysis (Fig. 8(a,b)). Alike fresh GO, both the CuNi/GO-I and CuNi/GO-II showed clear C 1s...
Selective CO2 reduction to CH3OH over atomic dual-metal sites
2023年8月8日 · Here we show atomic Cu-Ni dual-metal sites embedded in a metal-organic framework enable efficient and selective CH 3 OH production (~98%) over multiple irradiated cycles.
Interaction of oxygen with CuNi(110) alloy surfaces: AES, XPS …
1983年12月2日 · Our studies on CuNi(llO) alloy surfaces (17.5 at% Cu), using AES, XPS, and work function changes gave evidence for a preferential oxidation of Ni; the formation of a NiO surface film was preceded in the chemisorption phase via an oxygen-induced Ni enrichment.
Surface composition changes of CuNi-ZrO2 during methane …
2017年4月1日 · Bimetallic CuNi nanoparticles on ZrO 2 were characterized by FTIR, NAP-XPS and DFT. After reduction, Cu rich surfaces were observed even for Ni rich nanoparticles. Methane decomposition at 425 °C induced Ni segregation on the surface.
我院周伟家教授团队EES:激光可控制备具有串联催化位点的安培级CuNi …
近日,来自济南大学周伟家教授团队,通过简单快速的激光辐照方法,在铜箔上合成了CuNi合金纳米颗粒(CuNi NPs/CF ),并将其作为高效硝酸根还原电极,提出将能够提供充足活性氢的Ni位点与 NO 3 − 结合能得到优化的Cu位点串联起来,对于超高浓度硝酸根溶液中 ...