ClassicUO: An open source Ultima Online Classic Client
Jan 6, 2018 · CUO updating upon launch can't be disabled at the moment, but I plan on submitting a code change to have a way to disable it. 4. Yes, manually though by downloading the previous build artifacts and extracting over the existing install.
Importing MiB Markers into CUO World Map | UO:R Forums
Oct 30, 2017 · With the implementation of World Map natively into CUO client, all the great functionality of UO-AutoMap is becoming available. I know for myself, I would use UOAM quite a lot, and mainly for hunting MiBs relatively easily. With UOAM being (mostly) not compatible with CUO, I wanted to find another way to map all the MiBs I had.
CUO client questions | UO:R Forums
Feb 16, 2014 · The view range of 18 tiles will remain so. Everything further will be drawn as a bare map without npc, players and houses, etc. However, after spending a couple of hours on CUO, I returned to an old client. I want to eat natural food and don't like so much plastic. That being said, I consider CUO a good client and I see how people enjoy it.
Client Patch 3.3 - March 25th, CUO/Razor Updates, Classic …
Jan 6, 2018 · Client Patch 3.3 - March 25th, CUO/Razor Updates, Classic Character Creation & More! Discussion in ' Patch Notes ' started by Quick , Mar 25, 2020 . Quick Well-Known Member
ClassicUO: An open source Ultima Online Classic Client
Jan 17, 2015 · It's super strange. I use CUO as my main client that I connect to using UOR Launcher. I open Launcher, go to settings, and tell it to load into OSI client I logged in with an account because I needed to turn the sound/music off so it wouldn't play at the logon screen. With Launcher still open, I now select to load into ClassicUO client
(Help) button crashes CUO version | UO:R Forums
Nov 24, 2022 · I explained the problem to the CUO developers and they were able to reproduce the problem. It has to do with excessively long urls in the HelpGump. While they work on a fix, there are some server-side things Ren can do to stop the crash. You can find the discussion over on the CUO discord in the bug-hub (This board won't let me post a link.)
Losing connection on new CUO client | UO:R Forums
Jul 5, 2020 · I'm using Windows 10 on the CUO client, but it keeps losing connection pretty often; even during the middle of running around playing. Anyone else have this issue, and know how to fix it? Message reads: "Connection lost: Connection reset"
Client Patches 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 - UO:R Launcher and CUO ...
Jun 15, 2020 · added the ability to read endless maps in CUO. rework of the options gump. Now settings are split into different sections to facilitate the user to find them out; fixed worldmap rendering. It will not show walls over the roofs. fixed some invisible item on paperdoll; fixed drag & drop for coins; improved some UI behaviour like scrollarea and ...
Geological Survey in the new Classic UO server | UO:R Forums
Apr 1, 2018 · Go to your UOR folder, then ClassicUO -> Data -> Client and look for the UORGeoSurvey.csv file. It'll probably have an x at the end (So it'll say UORGeoSurvey.csvx) Simply edit the file name to remove just the x and reload the CUO worldmap. It should bring up all the nodes on your worldmap.
How to get Razor working with UO:R Launcher & ClassicUO client?
Apr 16, 2022 · Hi all, am a noob here but who played the game ages ago. Am having trouble trying to get Razor to work with the UO:R launcher - I can run the game fine...