Synthesis, characterization, and advanced sustainable applications …
Copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles have considerable attention their unique properties and potential for advanced sustainable applications in electronics, energy storage, catalysis, environmental remediation, biomedical applications, and sensing.
Synthesis, properties, and applications of doped and undoped CuO …
2023年6月1日 · CuO nanomaterials exhibit exceptional antimicrobial, antioxidant, and photocatalytic dye degradation properties. Green CuO nanostructures are more effective in eradicating gram-negative bacteria than gram-positive bacteria. CuO spindles have the potential to be used as industrial wastewater photocatalysts.
Self‐assembly Mechanism and Chiral Transfer in CuO …
2023年4月26日 · Chiral CuO superstructures were synthesized through an aqueous solution-based method using penicillamine enantiomers and citrates as symmetry-breaking agents and structure stabilizers, respectively. The detailed procedure is described in the experimental section.
CuO nanostructures: Synthesis, characterization, growth mechanisms ...
2014年3月1日 · Cupric oxide (CuO) nanostructures are of particular interest because of their interesting properties and promising applications in batteries, supercapacitors, solar cells, gas sensors, bio sensors, nanofluid, catalysis, photodetectors, energetic materials, field emissions, superhydrophobic surfaces, and removal of arsenic and organic pollutants ...
Copper Oxide Nanomaterials Prepared by Solution Methods, …
2014年12月17日 · CuO, categorized into transition metal oxide group, is a p type, narrow bandgap semiconductor. It has monoclinic structure and many interesting characteristics: super thermal conductivity, photovoltaic properties, high stability, and antimicrobial activity.
Copper oxide nanostructures: Preparation, structural, dielectric and ...
2022年9月1日 · Copper oxide is found in two stable crystalline phases: cupric oxide (CuO) and cuprous oxide (Cu2O). Copper oxide represents a better choice for optical, electrochemical and sensing attributes due to the low cost production, easy availability and optimum physical and chemical characteristics [2, 6].
Hydrothermal synthesis of CuO and CeO2/CuO nanostructures
2021年2月22日 · In this study, CuO and CeO2/CuO nanostructures were successfully synthesized via a hydrothermal route. The structure, morphology, composition and optical properties of these nanostructures have been studied using various techniques.
氧化铜纳米颗粒的合成、表征和先进的可持续应用:综述,Clean …
氧化铜 (CuO) 纳米颗粒因其独特的性质和在电子、能源存储、催化、环境修复、生物医学应用和传感等先进可持续应用中的潜力而受到广泛关注。 本综述重点关注 CuO 纳米粒子更新的合成、表征和可持续应用,作为简明且信息丰富的资源。
清华大学陈晨JACS:构筑具有抗重构特性的Cu-O-Si原子界面稳定 …
该工作提出了一种利用SiO2稳定Cu基CO2R催化剂的策略,合成了含有丰富 原子级Cu-O-Si界面 位点的CuSiO x 非晶纳米管催化剂,这种铜和二氧化硅的界面强相互作用使得Cu-O-Si界面位点在CO2R过程中稳定存在并几乎未发生任何明显的还原重构现象,并表现出对CH4超高的选择性和电化学稳定性,该工作为制备高活性、高稳定性Cu基催化剂提供了一条非常有希望的途径。 要点一:合成了具有高电化学CO2甲烷化性能的Cu-O-Si界面位点. 研究人员首先利用SiO2作为模板 …
CuO纳米粒子的制备及性能研究进展 - 石油化工论文
2024年12月15日 · 纳米CuO 属于单斜结构体系,外观呈棕黑色,粒径为1~100 nm,处于宏观物体与微观粒子之间的过渡区域,因此具有体积效应、量子尺寸效应、表面效应和宏观量子隧道效应,在电、磁、光、催化等领域具有优越的特性,如量子尺寸效应使纳米CuO的红外光谱宽化、蓝移和分裂、表面效应加强了纳米CuO 的催化活性[6-8]。 正因为这些优越特性,纳米CuO 的制备与性质引起了国内外学者的广泛关注。 因此,本文重点介绍纳米CuO 的制备方法包括固相法、沉 …