Structural and morphological tuning of Cu-based metal oxide ...
2021年2月9日 · The XPS result shows (Fig. 4 b) existence of two binding energies, for Cu 2p of CuO sample, at 933.8 eV (Cu 2p 3/2) and 953.5 eV (Cu 2p 1/2) with a difference of 19.7 eV, which proves the ...
a XPS survey spectra of Cu2O/CuO and Cu2O/CuO/CuS-20, b the …
Cu2O/CuO/CuS electrocatalyst was prepared by thermal oxidation of cleaned copper mesh in the air into Cu2O/CuO and CuS was deposited on oxide surface using facile successive ionic layer adsorption...
XPS studies of Cu3+ ions in Ba(CuO2)2nH2O - ScienceDirect
1991年12月1日 · X-ray photoelectron studies (XPS) were carried out for Cu 3+ ions in Ba (CuO 2) 2 nH 2 O. No intense satellites were observed in the spectra of Cu2p- electrons. The Cu 2 p 3 2 - level chemical shift was 1.4 and 2.4 eV when moving from Ba (CuO 2) 2 nH 2 O (Cu 3+) to CuO (Cu 2+) and Cu 2 O (Cu 1+), respectively.
Peak-fitting of Cu 2p photoemission spectra in Cu0, Cu1+, and …
2023年6月15日 · Peak-fitting parameters for improved fitting of Cu 2+ in quantitative XPS. The photoemission spectra of Cu 2 p are one of the most studied. Its analysis is especially challenging because, among others, the peaks for Cu 0 and Cu 1+ overlap, and Cu 1+ and Cu 2+ coexist under many conditions.
XPS study of the Cu@Cu2O core-shell nanoparticles
2008年12月30日 · In this work, we prepared Cu@Cu 2 O core-shell nanoparticle on the a-C:H thin films with different Cu content by co-deposition of RF-Sputtering and RF-PECVD method at room temperature. Our special deposition condition including room temperature and non-wet chemical deposition are prerequisites for device applications.
Surface Oxidation and Reduction of CuO and Cu2O Studied Using XPS …
Using XPS and x-ray-excited Auger electron spectroscopy (XAES), we have studied the variation in surface composition of CuO and Cu2O with a variety of high-vacuum treatments, including vacuum annealing, oxidation and hydrogen reduction.
XPS Study of Interface and Ligand Effects in Supported Cu
2005年4月5日 · Copper oxides (Cu 2 O and CuO) have been deposited on the surface of a flat SiO 2 substrate by evaporation of copper and subsequent oxidization of the deposited particles. XPS has been used to analyze the chemical and coordination state of copper.
Cu@Cu2O核壳纳米粒子的XPS研究,Applied Surface Science - X-MOL
2008年12月1日 · X 射线光电子能谱 (XPS) 表征表明,Cu 纳米颗粒的表面在暴露于空气时会氧化。 结果表明,纳米粒子的外壳主要是Cu2O相,CuO覆盖薄层。 表面等离子体共振 (SPR) 峰是 Cu 核纳米粒子存在的标志,出现在这些薄膜的可见光谱中。 从这些核壳纳米粒子的 XPS 研究中获得了一些有趣的信息。 通过对Cu 2p3/2 主峰解卷积得到的CuO/Cu2O 比值与Cu 2p3/2 主峰和卫星峰的强度比值是一致的。 XPS 光谱的背景归因于来自 Cu 离子的散射光电子和 Cu 纳米粒子的 …
XPS研究负载型Cu2O和CuO纳米粒子中的界面和配体效应。,The …
通过蒸发铜并随后氧化沉积的颗粒,氧化铜(Cu2O和CuO)已沉积在平坦的SiO2基板表面上。 XPS已用于分析铜的化学和配位状态。 已经发现Cu 2p(3/2)结合能(BE)和俄歇参数(alpha')的大变化是所沉积的氧化铜的类型和数量的函数。 从最低沉积材料量和块状化合物的值计算出的BE差异为-0.4 eV(Cu2O)和-1.9 eV(CuO),而α'中的那些分别为2.9(Cu2O)和1.6 eV(CuO)。 观察到的变化已根据Wagner图中的化学状态矢量(CSV)概念进行了描述,并 …
Copper Spectra – Cu2O - The International XPS Database 1
XPS Spectra Copper (Cu) Compounds The XPS Spectra section provides raw and processed survey spectra, chemical state spectra, BE values, FWHM values, and overlays of key spectra. Atom% values from surveys are based on sample, as received, and Scofield cross-sections. Atom% values are corrected for IMFP and PE.
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