(a) XRD pattern of CoOOH at different temperatures, (b) the XPS …
Different sizes of layered CoOOH were synthesized by the molten-salt-assisted method at different temperatures. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope studies reveal that CoOOH grew at...
Simple quantification of surface carboxylic acids on chemically ...
2013年2月1日 · More quantitative identification of surface carboxylic acids was carried out using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and acid–base titration. However, these techniques are costly and require very long analysis times to promptly respond to the extent of the reaction.
XPS C1s spectra of graphene (A), COOH functionalized
Herein, COOH⁺ ion implantation modified graphene (COOH⁺/graphene) and COOH functionalized graphene were designed by physical ion implantation and chemical methods, respectively. The struct......
In this study, such interactions are studied by means of controlled adsorption of carboxylic acids on the oxides of interest. The oxides are prepared by oxidation of flat samples of Fe, Cr, Mn and Si.
Mo原位掺杂优化CoOOH的3d自旋极化,高效促进OER- X-MOL资讯
2023年11月28日 · XPS和密度泛函理论(DFT)计算揭示了Mo掺杂在CoOOH的晶格中,不仅增强了Co的3d自旋态密度,也缩小3d轨道的自旋带隙,从而优化氧相关中间体的吸附和电子传导能力,降低了Mo-CoOOH的过电位。
XPS spectra of C1s for curve fitting (a) MWCNT-COOH, (b
The spectrum of COOH-functionalized MWCNTs shows also a complex superposition of three carbonoxygen species, which are hydroxyl at 286.2 ± 0.2 eV, carbonyl at 287.2 ± 0.2 eV, carboxyl at 288.9 ...
Unraveling the potential-dependent structure evolution in CuO for ...
2023年12月15日 · Herein, we report a potential-dependent structure evolution over CuO in the glucose oxidation reaction (GOR). Through systematic electrochemical and spectroscopic characterizations, we unveil that CuO undergoes Cu 2+ /Cu + and Cu 3+ /Cu 2+ redox processes at increased potentials with successive generation of Cu(OH) 2 and CuOOH
Identifying the geometric catalytic active sites of ... - Nature
2022年11月4日 · Here, we use well-defined crystalline cobalt oxyhydroxides CoOOH nanorods and nanosheets as model catalysts to investigate the geometric catalytic active sites. The morphology-dependent analysis...
Enhancement of interaction of L-929 cells with functionalized
2016年11月15日 · The COOH functionalized graphene holds more oxygen containing functional groups compared with COOH + /graphene, which is proved by Raman and XPS results (Figs 3B and 4B,C).
Nanocrystalline cobalt hydroxide oxide: Synthesis and characterization ...
2020年5月25日 · It is shown with XPS and NEXAFS that the magnetic moment in CoOOH <bromine> arises from incompletely oxidized Co 2+ in the structure. With this information, it is possible to calculate the Co 2+ content starting from the SQUID results, which yield 8.1% for CoOOH <bromine> and 1.1% for CoOOH <oxygen>.