CUSEC – A partnership to mitigate disasters and save lives…
CLSS is a no-cost tool for states, localities, tribal nations, and territories. In development since 2022, the CLSS is now available to SLTT and other emergency management agencies for testing. Brian Blake, CUSEC’s Executive Director, said of the CLSS project:
Building Inspection - cusec.org
There are thousands of individuals in the United States trained in pre/post disaster building inventory and safety inspections. Currently, there is no standardization of the use and deployment of these critical resources following a multi-jurisdictional disaster, within the emergency management structure.
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Central New York's premier board game convention. This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
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CUSEC 2025
CUSEC is Canada's longest running student-led software engineering conference. Founded in 2002, the conference has offered unique and diverse tech experiences to students. CUSEC 2025 will be the 24th conference.
Step 1: Secure Your Space
Secure top-heavy furniture and appliances to wall studs. Secure computers and TVs with special straps. Prevent small objects from falling by using museum putty or wax. Install latches on kitchen cabinets. Use flexible connections where gas lines meet appliances (such as water heaters, ovens, and clothes dryers). Secure overhead light fixtures.
SCHEDULE - 2025.cusec.net
Official website for the 2025 edition of the Canadian University Software Engineering Conference.
CUSEC 2023 will be held on January 12, 13, & 14 at the Hotel Bonaventure located in Downtown Montreal, QC.
Meet Our Speakers - 2025.cusec.net
Our speakers are at the heart of CUSEC. These thought leaders, innovators and pioneers in their fields. Their insights and experiences will inspire you to think differently and challenge the status quo.
CUSEC Resource Library
The Regional Information Sharing Platform (RISP) is an ArcGIS Online based environment managed by CUSEC, where CUSEC member states and other partners coordinate to improve regional information sharing and situational awareness.