Kusu - Dragon Ball Wiki
Kusu (クス Kusu) is the Guide Angel of Universe 10 and the attendant, and martial arts teacher of Rumsshi. She is the oldest child of the Grand Minister. Kusu serves as the Guide Angel of Universe 10 and is the martial arts instructor of Rumsshi.
Kusu | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Kusu is a minor character in the anime series Dragon Ball Super. She is the oldest daughter of the Great Priest and the oldest sister of Whis and Vados and the rest of Guide Angel of Universe 10. She is also the attendant and the martial arts teacher of Rumsshi. She was voiced by Hiromi Konno in Japanese and Brittany Karbowski in English.
Kusu | Ultra Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom
Kusu (クス Kusu) is the Guide Angel of Universe 10 and the attendant, and martial arts teacher of Rumsshi. She is the oldest child of the Grand Minister.
Who Is KUSU | Dragon Ball Super - YouTube
Who Is KUSU | Dragon Ball SuperKusuKusu is an Angel and the attendant for Rumoosh, the Hakaishin of the 10th Universe. She is also the eldest of her siblings...
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数据库(Data Base,DB)是按一定结构组织并长期存储在计算机内的、可共享的大量数据的有机集合。 其实就是存放数据的仓库,只不过这些数据存在一定的关联、并按一定的格式存放在计算机上。 例如,把一个学校的学生、课程、学生成绩等数据有序的组织并存放在计算机内,就可以构成一个数据库。 数据库管理系统(Data Base Management System,DBMS)是管理和维护数据库的系统 软件。 常用的DBMS有: Oracle 、DB2、SqlServer、MySql等. 数据库管理员(Date …
Kusu | Dragon Ball World Wiki | Fandom
Kusu[2] is the Guide Angel of the Tenth Universe. [1] . She is the servant of Lamushi. Kusu always advising her Kaiohshin and God of Destruction on the difference between good and evil. However, clashes between good and evil get her blood racing despite herself. [1]
Kusu/Gallery | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Images of Kusu from Dragon Ball Super.
Cus (Dragon Ball Super) - MyAnimeList.net
Cus is the Angel of Universe 10. She is also the attendant and martial arts teacher of Rumsshi. She is a child of Great Priest. Read more information about the character Cus from Dragon Ball Super? At MyAnimeList, you can find out about their …
Kus | Dragon Ball Wiki Hispano | Fandom
Kus (クスKusu¿?) es el ángel guía del Universo 10, sirviente y maestra de artes marciales del Dios de la Destrucción Rumoosh. Como hermana de todos los ángeles guía, es la hija de mayor edad del Gran Sacerdote [1]. Es un personaje del Arco …
Cus (SSJJ) | Dragonball Fanon Wiki | Fandom
Cus is an Angel and the former attendant to Rumsshi. 2.1 23 Years later... Cus was noted to wear a red off-the-shoulder wedding dress made out of silk with a right knee-high slit, a blue bodice, and translucent pink sleeves. She also wore red kitten heels and a long transparent floor-sweeping cape attached to the back of her bodice.