GitHub - rothgar/awesome-tuis: List of projects that provide …
php-tui comprehensive TUI library for PHP based heavily on Ratatui. pterm A modern Go module to beautify console output. Featuring charts, progressbars, tables, trees, and much more!
CuTE-tui — Rust 工具库 // Lib.rs • Rust 包仓库
Curl TUI 环境 (CuTE)。 使用 Rust 开发的 HTTP 客户端/libcurl 前端,使用优秀的 ratatui 库,旨在简化在终端中发送 HTTP 请求的过程,允许您存储和管理之前的请求 + API 密钥。
GitHub - PThorpe92/CuTE: HTTP client/libcurl TUI front end in …
Curl TUI Environment (CuTE). HTTP client/libcurl front-end in Rust, using the awesome ratatui library designed to simplify the process of sending HTTP requests in the terminal, allowing you …
CuTE-tui 0.1.2 [minimal maintenance] // Lib.rs
2024年4月5日 · Curl TUI Environment (CuTE). HTTP client/libcurl front-end in Rust, using the awesome ratatui library designed to simplify the process of sending HTTP requests in the …
GitHub - ratatui/awesome-ratatui: A curated list of TUI apps and ...
tui-react - TUI widgets using a react-like paradigm. tui-realm - A ratatui framework inspired by Elm and React. webatui - An integration between the Yew and Ratatui crates for making TUI …
推荐一个强大的Rust TUI HTTP客户端:CuTE - GitCode博客
cute 提供了一个交互式的tui界面,内置vim键绑定,使你在命令行环境中可以轻松构造并发送get、post、put等不同类型的http请求。更值得一提的是,它还集成了api密钥管理功能,以及利 …
awesome-tuis - 终端用户界面项目大全 跨领域TUI应用精选 - 懂AI
本列表汇集了各领域的优秀终端用户界面 (TUI)项目,包括仪表盘、开发工具、编辑器、文件管理器和游戏等。 这些项目展示了TUI在系统监控、代码编辑、文件管理和娱乐等方面的创新应用,为 …
Tui in CuTE_tui::tui_cute - Rust - Docs.rs
CuTE_tui:: tui_cute. Struct Tui Copy item path Source. pub struct Tui { pub events: EventHandler, /* private fields */} Expand description. Representation of a terminal user interface. It is …
CuTE_tui - Rust - Docs.rs
API documentation for the Rust `CuTE_tui` crate.
Terminal Apps
💥 Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O. Powerful expense tracker that lives in your terminal. A collection of awesome TUI apps from around the web.
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