Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture
Welcome to the Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture (CVRIA) Website! This site is your tool for reviewing, providing feedback, and using the architecture content for standards and project development.
CVRIA The CVRIA forms the basis for a common language definition and early deployment concepts for connected vehicles. The architecture identifies key interfaces across the connected vehicle environment and informs standards development activities. The CVRIA and its associated Systems Engineering Tool for Intelligent
Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture
Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture (CVRIA) is being developed as the basis for identifying the key interfaces across the connected vehicle environment which will support further analysis to identify and prioritize standards development activities.
2015年4月17日 · The CVRIA defines what we know about the evolving Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) or Connected Vehicle Environment.
Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture
To ensure that this revolutionary technology is effective, the USDOT created the Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture (CVRIA), which establishes a framework for the integration and standardization of connected vehicle technologies.
vehicle project architecture based upon CVRIA • Copy and customize connected vehicle applications and needs from CVRIA • Customize Communications profiles • Output diagrams and tables of architecture components • Create a concept of operations document for a project . 24
制定「联网汽车标准」这件事情,看看美国是怎么做_搜狐汽车_搜 …
2015年10月26日 · 在美国,联网汽车相关的标准化内容,都被圈定在了联网汽车参考执行架构(Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture,以下简称CVRIA)之下。 CVRIA由美国交通部下属的智能交通系统专案办公室(Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office,简称ITS JPO)负责制定 ...
The CVRIA will identify and define interfaces within the connected vehicle environment (CVE). The CVRIA viewpoints/database are being analyzed now to identify and define interfaces within the architecture.
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美国车联网参考应用架构(Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture,CVRIA)是美国交通部为CV Pilots项目设计的架构,并已经过试运行,现推荐为全美国车路协同系统的通用参考架构。
主要内容有: 1、车联网参考实现架构 (CVRIA)标准:1)交流要点;2)车联网参考实现架构通讯图;3)NTCIP 差异化; 2、车联网参考实现架构 (CVRIA) 第二版:1)CVRIA2.X 通讯增强;2)CVRIA8.0概述; 3、未来版本升级; 4、车联网相关智能交通系统 (ITS)标准现状总结; 5、车联网&协同ITS 标准差距分析; 6、智能交通系统联合项目办公室(JPO); 7、车联网参考实现架构(CVRIA)工作小组会议讨论。 一文看懂新势力造车的车联网和Infotainmen...