173399 - Gene Resultcwn-1 Protein Wnt-1 [] - National Center for ...
C. elegans Wnt homolog, cwn-1, functions to regulate asymmetric division of the ABpl/rpppa blast cell. Cwn-1 does not act alone in this process, and it functions with another redundant ligand that appears not to be a Wnt. Src and Wnt signaling regulate dynactin accumulation to the P2-EMS cell border in C. elegans embryos
CWN-1 functions with DSH-2 to regulate C. elegans asymmetric …
2009年4月15日 · In the ABpl/rpppa neuroblast division, however, we determined that DSH-2 regulates cell polarity through a β-catenin independent Wnt pathway. We also established that the C. elegans Wnt homolog, cwn-1, functions to regulate asymmetric division of …
Distinct functions of three Wnt proteins control mirror ... - eLife
2024年11月1日 · So et al. also identified three specific Wnt ligands – CWN-1, CWN-2 and EGL-20 – that collectively control the polarity of Z1 and Z4. Each protein has a distinct role: CWN-1 promotes Z1 and Z4 to have the same polarity, while CWN-2 …
three Wnt proteins (CWN-1, CWN-2, and EGL-20) with distinct functions. In lin-17 mutants, CWN- 2 promotes normal polarity in both Z1 and Z4, while CWN-1 promotes reverse and normal polarity
Distinct functions of three Wnt proteins control mirror-symmetric ...
2024年11月1日 · Each protein has a distinct role: CWN-1 promotes Z1 and Z4 to have the same polarity, while CWN-2 induces the polarity of Z1 cells to reverse. EGL-20 then stops Z1 from regaining its original polarity and no longer mirroring the polarity of Z4.
Wnt Ligands Differentially Regulate Toxicity and Translocation of ...
2016年12月13日 · Mutation of cwn-1 or lin-44 gene induced a resistant property to GO toxicity and resulted in the decreased accumulation of GO in the body of nematodes, whereas mutation of cwn-2 gene induces a...
MAB-5/Hox regulates the Q neuroblast transcriptome, including cwn-1…
2024年4月24日 · Functional genetic analysis revealed that CWN-1 is required downstream of MAB-5 to inhibit anterior migration of the QL lineage, likely in parallel to EGL-20/Wnt in a noncanonical Wnt pathway. In sum, work here describes a Q cell transcriptome, and a set of genes regulated by MAB-5 in the QL lineage.
MAB-5/Hox regulates the Q neuroblast transcriptome, including cwn-1…
2023年11月9日 · Genes affected by mab-5 included those involved in neurogenesis, neural development, and interaction with the extracellular matrix. cwn-1, which encodes a Wnt signaling molecule, showed a paired response to mab-5 in the Q cells: cwn-1 expression was reduced in mab-5 (lof) and increased in mab-5 (gof) , suggesting that MAB-5 is required for cwn-1...
Caenorhabditis elegans SEL-5/AAK1 regulates cell migration and …
2024年7月19日 · In this study, we show that SEL-5, the C. elegans orthologue of mammalian AP2-associated kinase AAK1, acts together with the retromer complex as a positive regulator of EGL-20/Wnt signalling during the migration of QL neuroblast daughter cells.
Complex Network of Wnt Signaling Regulates Neuronal …
We show that three of the Wnts, CWN-1, CWN-2, and EGL-20, play major roles in directing cell migrations and that all five Wnts direct specific cell migrations either by acting redundantly or by antagonizing each other's function.