中文詞彙網路 2.0 - GitHub Pages
中文詞彙網路(Chinese Wordnet,CWN),是一項試圖解決詞義(sense)以及詞彙語意關係(lexical semantic relations)的語言知識資源。 中文詞網的核心元素是中文詞彙的同義詞集(synsets)以及連繫各詞集的語意關係;透過語意關係,將各個同義詞集連接起來,形成語意網絡。 中文詞彙網路累積了近二十年的研究成果,起初由中研院語言學研究所推動,於 2010 年完成。 臺大語言所目前負責維護中文詞彙網路,並著力開發更廣泛且靈活的工具資源,例如:XML …
CWN-2/Wnt regulates SMDD axonal development - PMC
2020年11月25日 · We used the cwn-2 (ok895) deletion allele to analyze SMDD axonal development. We found that loss of cwn-2 caused a defective SMDD axonal phenotype, where axons do not extend along the dorsal sublateral cord, suggesting that the axons did not exit the nerve ring due to defects in axon outgrowth or guidance (Figure 1A -C).
Wnt 信号通路介导胆碱通路抵御感染 | MCE - 健康界
2022年8月30日 · 作者发现,细菌感染会导致线虫高表达 Wnt 信号配体基因 cwn-2。 而在未被细菌感染的线虫内,利用胆碱受体的拟似物 Arecoline 和激动剂 Oxotremorine 也可以刺激 cwn-2 的表达(图2)。
Wnt Signaling Regulates Acetylcholine Receptor Translocation and ...
2012年3月30日 · In Caenorhabditis elegans, we show that mutations in CWN-2 (Wnt ligand), LIN-17 (Frizzled), CAM-1 (Ror receptor tyrosine kinase), or the downstream effector DSH-1 (disheveled) result in similar subsynaptic accumulations of ACR-16/α7 AChRs, a consequent reduction in synaptic current, and predictable behavioral defects. Photoconversion ...
177870 - Gene Resultcwn-2 Protein Wnt-2 [] - National Center for ...
SAX-3 binds to Wnt/CWN-2 and facilitates the membrane recruitment of CWN-2. SAX-3 forms a complex with the Ror/CAM-1 receptor and its downstream effector Dsh/DSH-1. our results strongly suggest that functions of at least four Wnts (lin-44, cwn-1, cwn-2, and egl-20) determine the polarity orientation of seam cells
common wire nails - Sizes
2007年8月29日 · For nails driven parallel to the grain or toe-nailed, the load should not be more than 2/3 of the value in column 6. A useful rule of thumb for estimating safe lateral loads for nails 12d and smaller is to take ten times the pennyweight.
Wnt signaling and contact-mediated repulsion shape sensory
2023年9月14日 · We quantify the sizes of their dendritic fields, and identify CWN-2/Wnt and LIN-17/Frizzled as a ligand and receptor that regulate the relative dendritic field sizes of these two neurons. Loss of either cwn-2 or lin-17 results in complementary changes in the size of the dendritic fields of both neurons; the FLP arbor expands, while that of PVD ...
CWN(Common Wire Nail)/Concrete Nail 1kl. - Shopee Philippines
CWN Common Wire Nail for wood Sizes: 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 5" Concrete Nail per 1kilo. Sizes: 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" Good Quality #MarksHardware - Enjoy best prices with free shipping vouchers. Skip to main content. Seller Centre Start Selling. Download.
- 评论数: 4
中文詞彙網路 | Chinese Wordnet - 國立臺灣大學
此為中文詞網第一版(CWN 1.0),後續新增之內容將更新於 第二版(CWN 2.0)。 中文詞彙網路 (Chinese Wordnet, 以下簡稱中文詞網) 計畫,目的是在提供完整的中文詞義 (sense) 區分與詞彙語意關係知識庫。 我們相信詞義的區分與表達,必須建立在完善的詞彙語意學 (lexical semantics) 理論與知識本體 (ontology) 架構基礎上。 在詞義理論與認知研究方面,這個詳細分析的詞彙知識庫系統,將成為語言學研究的基本參考資料。 在實際的應用上,這個資料庫可望成為中文語言 …
Wnts Promote Synaptic Assembly Through T-Cell Specific
2018年6月15日 · The CWN-2 signal is required during both embryonic and postembryonic development, in the nervous system and intestine, for promoting synaptic assembly. Furthermore, we provide genetic evidence for CWN-2 promoting synaptogenesis through the Frizzled receptor (FZD) CFZ-2, the Dishevelled (DVL) DSH-2, the β-catenin SYS-1 and the only T-cell ...