CYA - Further Reading - Trouble Free Pool
2024年11月22日 · What is Cyanuric Acid (CYA)? Cyanuric acid, often called a stabilizer or conditioner, is an organic chemical compound added to pool water. CYA does not naturally occur in water and will only be present if added.
What is the best way to raise the CYA? | Trouble Free Pool
2011年5月26日 · For a small pool you often want to raise CYA using dichlor, as described in your seasonal pool guide. For larger pools it is more common to use cyanuric acid, often sold as either stabilizer or conditioner.
The Free Chlorine and Cyanuric Acid Relationship - Trouble Free Pool
2025年2月26日 · Maintaining the proper balance of free chlorine and cyanuric acid in your pool is critical for keeping your pool water sanitary and minimizing the cost of chlorine. Use our FC / CYA calculator below to determine your pool’s ideal CYA and free chlorine levels so you can keep your water safe and clear all season long using minimal chlorine.
Adding CYA to the skimmer, or not - Trouble Free Pool
2009年5月3日 · Split off of Increasing CH and CYA, which order and best application. JasonLion I would reccomend putting the CYA in a filter sock, used panty hose, or something similar and place the contents in your skimmer basket. It takes time to dissolve. Pouring it directly into the skimmer and allowing...
Operating a high CYA pool - Trouble Free Pool
2016年7月31日 · Hi, using Leslie test strips, i typically get CYA values of 100-150ppm - the strips are hard to read and the, color change isn't consistent, and i need a better CYA test.., but i think it's safe to say i have a level over 100ppm I know that to …
PoolMath - Trouble Free Pool
PoolMath Discover the pool calculator behind the perfect pool, PoolMath. Dealing with pools has allowed TFP to become the original authors of the best calculator on the net. To help you better understand the calculator and keep your water clean and clear, you should also view the following: ABC's of Pool Water Chemistry FC/CYA Chart Recommended Pool Chemicals Recommended Levels For a more ...
CYA added but there is no stabilizer in the pool
2007年6月25日 · There is some specualtion that CYA can be consumed by denitrifying bacteria in a pool closed for the winter but this is a very slow process and requires anerobic conditions and no water circulation.
Phoenix Arizona recommended CYA level | Trouble Free Pool
2009年6月17日 · 2. Since my pool is brand new and being filled with CYA zero water, is there really any point in testing CYA early on if I put the recommended amount in? i.e. if I know the volume of water and the number of pounds CYA, then the calculated concentration has to be correct, right???
SLAM – Shock Level and Maintain - Trouble Free Pool
2023年9月25日 · We’ve all had to deal with a green pool. Clear algae from your pool with a SLAM! Read here to use shock level and maintain to clear your pool.
New Pool; New Water; How to add CYA - Trouble Free Pool
2009年6月28日 · For a freshly filled pool, how should I get the CYA to my goal level of, for example, 40? If I go to the calculator it says I need to add 16 ounces by weight of stabilizer to get to that level. Stabilizer in that context must be something specific because when I go to the "effects" part of the...