BX UV 3638, CAS# 18600-59-4, UV for PC/PET | Baoxu Chemical
UV 3638 offers very strong and broad UV absorption with no color contribution. Possesses very good stabilization for polyesters(PET) and polycarbonates(PC). 3638 is based on a …
CYASORB® UV-3638F - Syensqo
CYASORB® UV-3638F has a very strong, broad UVA and UVB coverage, no color and imparts excellent UV protection for PC, PET and copolyesters. It is typically used in the stabilization of …
紫外线吸收剂UV-3638 | 18600-59-4 - ChemicalBook
紫外线吸收剂UV-3638是高分子制品(例如塑料、橡胶、涂料、合成纤维)的一种添加剂,它能屏蔽或吸收紫外线的能量,猝灭单线态氧及将氢过氧化物分解成非活性物质等功能,使高分子聚 …
CYASORB UV-3638 | 18600-59-4 - ChemicalBook
2024年12月18日 · Cyasorb 3638 offers very strong and broad UV absorption with no color contribution. Possesses very good stabilization for polyesters(PET) and …
Cyasorb UV-3638 CAS 18600-59-4 Watson International Limited
Ultraviolet absorption peak is wider, with little change in product color, unsuitable to react with metal, durable performance, and good compatibility with other stabilizers. Fill out our inquiry …
CYASORB UV-3638F - Syensqo - SpecialChem
2024年3月7日 · CYASORB® UV-3638F imparts excellent UV protection for PC, PET and copolyesters. It is typically used in the stabilization of PET bottles and electronic displays. It is …
紫外线吸收剂CYASORB UV-3638F - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年3月12日 · CYASORB UV-3638F (2, 2' -(1,4-亚苯基)双(4H-3,1-苯并噁嗪-4-酮)) CAS号: 18600-59-4. EINECS No. 418-280-1 (REACH 1-100 t/a re gis tered) FDA st atus App roved …
氰特紫外线吸收剂Cyasorb UV 3638代理商,国产UV 3638厂家
氰特3638基于苯并氧杂环庚酮结构,可提供高达350°c的短期热稳定性和高达160°c的长效热稳定性。 包装: 25kg /纸袋,每块300 / 500kg一托盘
光伏膜光屏蔽剂(UV-3638) - china-nengyuan.com
cyasorb uv-3638是fda认可食品接触材料添加剂。 尤其适用于高端PET食品包装材料(橄榄油瓶,番茄酱,化妆品等),保护内容物维生素等避免紫外线照射从而失去功效。
紫外线屏蔽剂CYASORB UV-3638 主营 - 盖德化工网
cyasorb uv-3638f是fda认可食品接触材料添加剂。 尤其适用于高端PET食品包装材料(橄榄油瓶,番茄酱,化妆品等),保护内容物维生素等避免紫外线照射从而失去功效。