NOX2 - Wikipedia
NADPH oxidase 2 (Nox2), also known as cytochrome b (558) subunit beta or Cytochrome b-245 heavy chain, is a protein that in humans is encoded by the NOX2 gene (also called CYBB gene). [5] . The protein is a superoxide generating enzyme which forms reactive oxygen species (ROS). The CYBB gene encode cytochrome b-245, beta chain.
NADPH 氧化酶亚基 CYBB 通过 Nrf2/SOD2 调节赋予间充质胶质母 …
补偿性抗氧化剂 SOD2 基本上可以防止高 ROS 的有害影响,同时减弱 TMZ 抗性细胞的铁死亡。一项动物研究强调了 SOD2 在减轻 erastin 触发的铁死亡和耐受 TMZ 抗性 GBM 细胞异种移植小鼠的氧化应激负担方面的保护作用。因此,CYBB 捕获了间充质 GBM 中的铁死亡弹性。
Transcriptional profiling and therapeutic targeting of ... - Nature
2020年4月13日 · To identify differentially expressed ROS and antigen-presenting genes in single-cell clusters, we compared expression of the pro-oxidant gene Cybb, which encodes the nicotinamide adenine ...
CYBB/NOX2 in conventional DCs controls T cell …
2020年5月13日 · Here, we report that the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase 2, also known as CYBB/NOX2, in conventional DCs (cDCs) regulates endocytosed MOG (myelin oligodendrocyte protein) antigen processing and supports MOG-antigen presentation to CD4 + T cells through LC3-associated phagocytosis (LAP).
Comprehensive analysis of CYBB as a prognostic marker and …
2024年4月30日 · The activation of CYBB results in the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and contributes to the development of drug-resistant phenotypes in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) [37]. We investigated the potential value of CYBB in glioma using data from glioma patients in the CGGA and TCGA databases.
NADPH Oxidase Subunit CYBB Confers Chemotherapy and
2023年4月22日 · An in vitro study demonstrated that TMZ-resistant GBM cells displayed mesenchymal and stemness features while remaining resilient to erastin-mediated ferroptosis by activating the CYBB/Nrf2/SOD2 axis. The CYBB maintained a high ROS state to sustain the mesenchymal phenotype, TMZ resistance, and reduced erastin sensitivity.
NADPH oxidase 2 (NOX2): A key target of oxidative stress …
Platelet ROS are mostly generated by reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase. NOX2 is an isoform from NADPH oxidase expressed in platelets and an important regulator of platelet activation-associated thrombosis.
Transcriptional profiling identifies novel regulators of macrophage ...
2018年12月7日 · We identified cytochrome b-245 heavy chain (CYBB), a gene encoding a reactive oxygen species (ROS)-generating enzyme, to be important for human M1 macrophage polarization, which supports previous findings of oxidative stress as a critical regulator of macrophage function.
该研究表明NADPH氧化酶的亚单位CYBB通过调节抗铁死亡的Nrf2 / SOD2轴,协调间质转化并促进TMZ抵抗。 研究发现,CYBB和SOD2在GBM的间质亚型中高度上调。 在体内研究中,TMZ耐药的GBM细胞表现出间质和干细胞特征,同时通过激活CYBB / Nrf2 / SOD2轴来保持高ROS状态,维持间质表型,TMZ抵抗和降低铁死亡敏感性。 机械上,CYBB与Nrf2相互作用,从而调节SOD2转录。 SOD2的代偿性抗氧化剂本质上保护免受高ROS的有害影响,同时减轻了TMZ耐药细胞 …
NADPH oxidase family proteins: signaling dynamics to disease
2022年5月18日 · Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are pervasive signaling molecules in biological systems. In humans, a lack of ROS causes chronic and extreme bacterial infections, while...