Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) - DoD Cyber …
2025年3月11日 · This site contains the Security Technical Implementation Guides and Security Requirements Guides for the Department of Defense (DOD) information technology systems as mandated by DODI 8500.01. This guidance bridges the gap between the National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-53 and risk management framework (RMF).
STIGs Document Library – DoD Cyber Exchange
Microsoft Windows Server DNS – This STIG will be used for all Windows DNS servers, whether they are Active Directory (AD)- integrated, authoritative file-backed DNS zones, a hybrid of both, or a recursive caching server.
SRG / STIG Tools – DoD Cyber Exchange
STIG Viewer 3 integrates the capabilities of two previous DISA tools: STIG Viewer 2 and the STIG-SRG Applicability Guide. The STIG Viewer 2.17 release will remain on Cyber Exchange for now, but the STIG-SRG Applicability Guide has been removed from Cyber Exchange because it has been fully incorporated into the new STIG Viewer 3 application.
Security Technical Implementation Guide - Wikipedia
A Security Technical Implementation Guide or STIG is a configuration standard consisting of cybersecurity requirements for a specific product. The use of STIGs enables a methodology for securing protocols within networks, servers, computers, and logical designs to …
Access and analyze Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) for robust cybersecurity standards and compliance.
STIG Viewer Version 3.x is a replacement for the previous DISA tools STIG Viewer 2.x and STIG-SRG Applicability Guide. The intent of this User Guide is to assist in navigating version 3.x and describe functionalities from a user perspective.
CUI STIGs contain DOD-specific guidance for, and information on, DOD networks and Enterprise Services not needed by parties outside the DOD. If the need can be justified, CUI can
DISA STIG - Red Hat Customer Portal
The United States Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) publishes Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) as cybersecurity guidelines and best practices. STIGs provide a standard configuration baseline for components of information systems owned by the Department of Defense (DoD) and other federal agencies, supporting these systems ...
STIG Viewing Tools – DoD Cyber Exchange
Below are tools which can be used to view the STIGs and a Whitepaper describing the STIG Viewing processes.
2020年3月13日 · STIG SUMMARY . LAST UPDATED: MARCH 13, 2020 . This document lists : • All STIG updates included in the quarterly STIG release • Out-of-cycle STIG changes made between quarterly releases • Additional STIG-related postings to or removals from Cyber Exchange between quarterly releases . CONTENTS PAGE