Cyrix Cx486 - Wikipedia
The Cyrix Cx486 was an x86 microprocessor designed by Cyrix. It primarily competed with the Intel 486 with which it was software compatible, would operate in the same motherboards provided proper support by the BIOS was available and generally showed comparable performance. [1] The chip also competed with parts from AMD and UMC.
Cyrix Cx486DLC - Wikipedia
The Cyrix Cx486DLC is an x86 desktop microprocessor developed by Cyrix. It was Cyrix's second CPU offering, released years after selling math coprocessors that competed with Intel's units and offered better performance at a comparable or lower price. It was released in June of 1992, with a price of $119 for computer manufacturers.
芯片相关-- Cpu历史--Cyrix系列 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
1992年,Cyrix推出了其第一代CPU, 486SLC和486DLC,旨在与英特尔的486SX和486DX竞争。 它们还与386SX和386DX管脚兼容,这意味着它们可以作为老化的386主板的直接升级,制造商也用它们来销售廉价笔记本电脑。 32位芯片,有1KB的L1缓存,性能都略低于英特尔486 CPU。 以下是 PC104 规格单板,早期在工业控制领域比较常见。 Tips:PC104的小尺寸结构模块,标准模块的机械尺寸是3.6X3.8英寸,即96X90mm,PC104有两个版本,8位和16位,分别与PC …
Cyrix Cx486DX Processor | 在线CPU博物馆 | 微处理器博物馆
The Cyrix Cx486DX was designed to be completely software-compatible with Intel’s i486DX processor. It is not just an Intel clone but a completely new design by Cyrix. Compared to the i486DX the Cx486DX had an improved cache algorithm and …
Cyrix Cx486(DLC/SLC) & 5x86 - CPU MUSEUM - Jimdo
The Cyrix Cx486DLC was an early 486 CPU from Cyrix, intended to compete with the Intel 486SX and DX. Texas Instruments, who manufactured the 486DLC for Cyrix, later released its own version of the chip, the TI486SXL, with 8 kB internal cache vs 1 kB of the original Cyrix design.
Cyrix Cx486DLC Processor | 在线CPU博物馆 | 微处理器博物馆
Cx486DLC 是 Cyrix 公司生产的 486 CPU,说它是 486 CPU,是指它的效率上逼近 486 CPU,但却并不是严格意义上的 486 CPU,这是由 486 CPU 的特点而定的。 486DLC CPU 只是将 386DX CPU 与 1K Cache 组合在一块芯片里,没有内含浮点协微处理器,执行一条指令需要两个振荡周期。 但是由于 486DLC CPU 设计精巧,486DLC-33 CPU 的效率逼近英特尔公司的 486SX-25,而 486DLC-40 CPU 则超过了 486SX-25,并且 486DLC-40 CPU 的价格比 486SX-25 便宜。
Cyrix Cx486DLC - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Cyrix Cx486DLC,是Cyrix早期的486級CPU,Cyrix希望它能够和英代爾486SX與DX競爭。 爲Cyrix製造486DLC的 德州儀器 後來發布了它自己的版本,型号为TI-486SXL,并在新版本中將Cyrix原設計中的1KB緩存升至8KB。
Cyrix 486 CPUs | The CPU Shack Museum
Differentiating between Cyrix and IBM Blue Lightning. It is difficult to distinguish IBM Blue Lightning CPU from Cyrix CPU. The behavior of both CPU is very similar to each other. The deference is that IBM Blue Lightning CPU supports MSR but Cyrix 486, 5×86 and 6×86 do not support it. This means that wrmsr instruction cause invalid
Cyrix Cx486SLC - Wikipedia
The Cyrix Cx486SLC is a x86 microprocessor that was developed by Cyrix. It was one of Cyrix's first CPU offerings, released after years of selling math coprocessors that competed with Intel's units and offered better performance at a comparable or lower price.
Cyrix Cx486 DX2-80 (Cx486DX2-80GP)
Designed by Deksor, computerguy096 and Zago. (c) 2019-2025 All wrongs reversed.
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