Cyrix - Wikipedia
Cyrix Corporation was a microprocessor developer that was founded in 1988 in Richardson, Texas, as a specialist supplier of floating point units for 286 and 386 microprocessors. The company was founded by Tom Brightman and Jerry Rogers. In 1992, Cyrix introduced its own i386 compatible processors, the 486SLC and 486DLC. [2]
CPU-World.com forums :: View topic - CPU Shack: Rare Cyrix
2024年5月5日 · The Cyrix 486S is essentially a Cyrix 486DLC with 2kb of L1 cache. The L1 is unique in that it offers a “Burst WriteBack” mode. The Cx487S is indeed the 387 math-co. It’s slower than the 486DX’s setup, but this upgrade allows the M6/Cyrix FasCache to …
UMC U5S Super40 vs. U5SX-40 + FPU? - VOGONS
2011年3月7日 · This is basically just a PGA168 male to PGA168 female socket adaptor with a PCB in it that contains a Cyrix 487S FPU. It was normally used with the very early Cyrix 486 chips, which had 2 KB cache. Since pretty much all other PGA168 486 chips contained an internal FPU, I can see the UMC U5S or maybe 486SX being a good candidate for this adaptor.
With the Cyrix fami-ly, system makers can reduce cost by going to a lower clock rate or leaving out the math chip and still outper-form systems using the 386SL. Cyrix recently began testing the first silicon of its “M7” chip, which enhances the 486S CPU core, expands the write-back cache to 8K, and integrates the math co-processor on-chip.
芯片相关-- Cpu历史--Cyrix系列 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
1.1.1 Cyrix 486. 1992年,Cyrix推出了其第一代CPU, 486SLC和486DLC,旨在与英特尔的486SX和486DX竞争。它们还与386SX和386DX管脚兼容,这意味着它们可以作为老化的386主板的直接升级,制造商也用它们来销售廉价笔记本电脑。32位芯片,有1KB的L1缓存,性能都略低于 …
Cyrix CPU 发展史 | 在线CPU博物馆 | 微处理器博物馆 | Honux's …
2022年9月13日 · 6x86MX进一步将频率提升至300MHz(PR433),同时更名为「Cyrix MII」,以表示竞争对手为Pentium II。但由于推出较晚,Intel的P6(Pentium Pro、Pentium II)和AMD的K6在整数性能上已经追上Cyrix,浮点能力本来就弱,Cyrix MII失去竞争力。
Interposer between Cyrix 486 and motherboard - VOGONS
2024年2月7日 · The "interposer" is indeed a Cyrix 487S FPU. So the CPU is piggy backed on top of the FPU. The bad news is that the system is a bit underperforming. It may be due to the old MB (A Soyo SY-025D1) with an early vlb chipset, but maybe there is more...
Cyrix的X86授权来源与后续 - 什么值得买
2024年8月27日 · Cyrix并没有和Intel达成任何协议, 而是通过净室逆向工程生产兼容Intel引脚的CPU. Intel起诉Cyrix没有授权即生产x86 CPU, 但是败诉了, Cyrix的486兼容CPU并没有使用任何Intel的专利.
Cyrix 公司的中央处理器为什么失败了?它的产品是否以某种形式 …
起初,Cyrix专注于为286和386 CPU生产高速x87数学协处理器,这些协处理器在性能上超越了Intel的同类产品,同时价格更为低廉。这一创新让Cyrix迅速在行业中崭露头角,并激发了公司向CPU市场进军的雄心。
Cyrix - 百度百科
自从英特尔另辟蹊径,开发了Pentium之后,Cyrix也很快推出了自己的新一代产品5x86。 它仍然延用原来486系列的CPU插座,而将主频从100MHz提高到120MHz。 5x86比起486来说性能是有所增加,可是比起Pentium来说,不但浮点性能远远不足,就连Cyrix一向自豪的整数运算性能也 ...