Cyrix 6x86 - Wikipedia
The Cyrix 6x86 is a line of sixth-generation, 32-bit x86 microprocessors designed and released by Cyrix in 1995. Cyrix, being a fabless company, had the chips manufactured by IBM and SGS-Thomson. [1] [2] The 6x86 was made as a direct competitor to Intel's Pentium microprocessor line, and was pin compatible.
Cyrix 6x86 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Cyrix 6x86 是一顆第六代、 32位元 、 x86 架构的 微處理器,是由 Cyrix 公司所設計,並由 IBM 、 SGS-Thomson 所生產,於1996年發表。 6x86在架構設計上結合了 RISC 與 CISC 的角度觀點,使其具有一個超純量、超管線的執行核心,並具有暫存器更名(或稱:暫存器重新命名)、猜測執行、亂序執行(也稱:超序執行)、資料相依排除等特性,同時仍可持續原生執行x86指令,這些設計與 Centaur公司 的 WinChip 處理器相似,但與Intel公司的 Pentium Pro 之後,以及AMD公 …
Cyrix 6x86 Microprocessor - National MagLab
The Cyrix 6x86 and 6x86L (low voltage) processors feature 16-kilobyte unified cache memories while the 6x86MX model has a 64-kilobyte cache. Utilizing doubling and tripling bus-to-core clock multipliers, Cyrix achieved higher performance with a smaller architecture.
Cyrix 6x86 Processor | 在线CPU博物馆 | 微处理器博物馆 | Honux's …
The Cyrix 6x86 range has the most powerful processor core of any x86 processor of its generation. Unfortunately, like the AMD K5, it also has a very slow floating point math capability and so was a very poor games and 3D performer.
The Ultimate 686 Benchmark Comparison - VOGONS
2013年8月4日 · In this study, 177 586/686-class CPUs were benchmarked in the frequency range of 60 - 600 MHz. The front-side bus was limited to 100 MHz or less (50 - 100 MHz). Several popular benchmark suites were utilised, including DOS-, Windows-, synthetic-, and game-based platforms. 20 CPUs with different architecture were also compared clock-for-clock at ...
镀金 CYRIX 686 MX CPU - 什么值得买
2023年8月7日 · 这台机器人使用了镀金 CYRIX 686 MX CPU,但它不能说人话。 当年在中关村买这cpu的时候,京东的刘强东还在楼上卖光盘。 这不就是 486 DX80 吗,上学时在机房用的,敲个命令等半天。 我去,西瑞克斯,难得一见! #打工人电脑段位自测! 你的CPU拖后腿了吗? 如果你是个预算有限但又想玩游戏的打... 阅读全文. #闲鱼CPU翻新处理器大揭秘! 你能完美避坑吗? AMD锐龙7 7800X3D处理... 阅读全文. #闲鱼CPU翻新处理器大揭秘! 你能完美避坑吗? 英特 …
CPU杂谈--Cyrix的6x86家族 - XiaoHui.com
2000年6月12日 · Cyrix的6x86是市场上出现的第一种Pentium级兼容芯片。 在经历了技术和生产的滞后以后,最初6x86并未被市场接受,原因是其价格过高,Cyrix错误的认为:只要它的芯片性能与Intel的相同,就可以卖的和Intel的芯片一样贵。
Cyrix 6x86(MX) & MII - CPU MUSEUM - Jimdo
The Cyrix 6x86 (codename M1) is a sixth-generation, 32-bit x86-compatible microprocessor designed by Cyrix and manufactured by IBM and SGS-Thomson. It was originally released in 1996. The 6x86 is superscalar and superpipelined and performs register renaming, speculative execution, out-of-order execution, and data dependency removal.
2023年8月9日 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for VINTAGE CYRIX 686 DESKTOP COMPUTER 6X86-P166. RARE at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Cyrix 6x86 family - CPU世界
2024年7月1日 · Cyrix 6x86 processor is a x86 compatible superscalar microprocessor with 64-bit internal architecture, 80-bit Floating Point Unit, 16 KB write-back cache, speculative execution, branch prediction and other advanced features. There were three different versions of the 6x86 CPU: 6x86 - Original single-voltage version.