Cyrix III - Wikipedia
Cyrix III is an x86-compatible Socket 370 CPU. VIA Technologies launched the processor in February 2000. VIA had purchased both Centaur Technology and Cyrix. Cyrix III was to be based upon a core from one of the two companies.
芯片相关-- Cpu历史--Cyrix系列 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
VIA这颗名为CyrixIII的CPU,1级指令缓存和数据缓存各64KB,与W3相同,但依然没有加入2级缓存(两年前的Celeron 300A已经有2级缓存了),频率也仅为533~677MHz,性能相对较低。 世间本没有魔法,只是我们还不了解,导致让它看起来像有魔法一样。 下期预告:三篇文章基本介绍了一下曾经在市场上活跃过的民用cpu,后面会介绍一些不常见的CPU和公司。 上期回顾: 杨华:芯片相关-- Cpu历史--intel系列. 杨华:芯片相关-- Cpu历史--AMD系列.
VIA Cyrix III / VIA C3 - CPU世界
2024年7月3日 · VIA Cyrix III, later renamed to C3, is a family of x86-compatible microprocessors. The first generation of Cyrix III CPUs was based on a Joshua core developed by Cyrix. This core was quickly replaced by Samuel core designed by Centaur Technology.
从Cyrix到VIA,捯一捯兆芯的前辈们(上) - 知乎专栏
Cyrix计划之后计划推出整合图形(2D/3D)机能、内存控制器、共享二级缓存的SoC「 Cayenne 」,支持双通道Direct RDRAM的高速CPU「Jalapeno」,以及再之后称为「Serrano」的细节不明的代号。资料说在1998年10月的MicroProcessor论坛上是如此公开了路线规划的。
Cyrix III is an x86-compatible Socket 370 CPU. VIA Technologies launched the processor in February 2000. VIA had purchased both Centaur Technology and Cyrix. Cyrix III was to be based upon a core from one of the two companies. See also: Intel Pentium II, Intel Pentium III, Intel Celeron (P6), IDT WinChip C6, IDT WinChip 2
VIA C3 Processor | 在线CPU博物馆 | 微处理器博物馆 | Honux's CPU …
2022年9月4日 · The VIA Cyrix III, later renamed C3, is an x86 CPU based on a design by Centaur Technology, a former IDT subsidiary and creator of the WinChip C6. VIA bought Centaur from IDT in 1999. While being much slower than x86 CPUs made by AMD and Intel, VIA designed the chip for the low power segment of the market, and use simplicity in design, to ...
VIA Cyrix III and C3 CPUs - The Silicon Underground
2025年1月6日 · The VIA Cyrix III was a short-lived Socket 370 CPU produced by VIA using technology it acquired from Cyrix and Centaur, two makers of Socket 7 CPUs. VIA first introduced the Cyrix III on January 5, 2001.
VIA Cyrix III评测 (1) - 中关村在线CPU处理器频道
CyrixIII将在国家半导体位于波兰南部的工厂生产,Cyrix III将基于6层0.18微米技术制程,由于CyrixIII有一项专利的技术,可以令产量提高两倍,同时,也可以保持在价格方面的优势。Cyrix仍将延用颇受争议的PR值来标称CPU, 在六月发售时,VIA将推出Cyrix III PR 433,PR466,PR500 ...
VIA Cyrix III评测 (3) - 中关村在线CPU处理器频道
CyrixIII继承了Cyrix复杂指令计算(CISC)的传统,据VIA称,他们下一代的处理器仍将支持CISC。 VIA在CyrixIII发售后的下一个处理器将是“Samuel”,它将能提供更强大的FPU处理能力。
The New VIA Cyrix III: The Worlds First 0.15 Micron x86 CPU - AnandTech
2001年1月5日 · Although the new Cyrix III chip bore the Cyrix name, it was powered by the IDT developed Centaur x86 microprocessor core, code named the Samuel core. Gone were the notorious "PR" ratings and...