Cyrix - Wikipedia
Cyrix Corporation was a microprocessor developer that was founded in 1988 in Richardson, Texas, as a specialist supplier of floating point units for 286 and 386 microprocessors. The company was founded by Tom Brightman and Jerry Rogers. In 1992, Cyrix introduced its own i386 compatible processors, the 486SLC and 486DLC. [2]
Cyrix: Gone But Not Forgotten - TechSpot
2024年7月4日 · Precursor chipmaker Cyrix made personal computing accessible to millions with its affordable budget PCs, only to be killed by its best product and its inability to run...
英特尔最有潜力的竞争者Cryix逝去的故事 - 百家号
2022年12月13日 · Cyrix 由 Jerry Rogers 和 Tom Brightman 于 1988 年创立,最初是一家用于 286 和 386 CPU 的高速 x87 数学协处理器的制造商。 这些是离开德州仪器的一些最伟大的思想家,他们雄心勃勃地挑战英特尔并在自己的比赛中击败他们。 Rogers 开始积极寻找美国最优秀的工程师,并成为一个颇受争议的“勤奋”领导者,带领 30 人的团队负责完成不可能的任务。 该公司的第一款数学协处理器的性能比英特尔同类产品高出约 50%,同时价格也更便宜。 这使得 AMD 386 …
Cyrix processor chips: In memoriam - The Silicon Underground
2021年4月28日 · Cyrix was a scrappy, up and coming CPU manufacturer in the 1990s. They never had Intel’s name recognition, but for a few years they made life more difficult for its larger rivals, Intel and AMD. For a while, Cyrix processor chips were a popular choice for value-conscious PC buyers.
一家不应被忘却的芯片公司 - 电子工程专辑 EE Times China
2024年7月5日 · Cyrix 成立于 1988 年,创始人为 Jerry Rogers 和 Tom Brightman,最初是一家为 286 和 386 CPU 生产高速 x87 数学协处理器的制造商。 他们是德州仪器公司最杰出的人才之一,他们雄心勃勃,想要挑战英特尔,并在自己的领域击败英特尔。 Rogers积极寻找美国最优秀的工程师,并成为一名以强硬著称的领导者,带领着一支 30 人团队完成不可能完成的任务。 该公司的首款数学协处理器性能比英特尔同类产品高出约 50%,而且价格更低。 这使得将 AMD 386 …
Cyrix - 百度百科
作为Cyrix公司独自研发的最后一款微处理器,Cyrix MⅡ是于1998年3月开始生产的。 除了具有6x86本身的特性外,该微处理器还支持 MMX指令 ,其 核心电压 为2.9V,具有256字节指令;3.5X倍频;核心内集成650万个晶体管,功耗20.6瓦;64KB一级缓存
Cyrix 6x86 - Wikipedia
The Cyrix 6x86 is a line of sixth-generation, 32-bit x86 microprocessors designed and released by Cyrix in 1995. Cyrix, ... In May 1999 National Semiconductor decided to leave the PC chip market due to significant losses, and put the Cyrix CPU division up for sale. [38] [25]
Cyrix 5x86 - Wikipedia
The Cyrix 5x86 is a line of x86 microprocessors designed by Cyrix and released on June 5 of 1995. [1][2][3] Cyrix, being a fabless company, had the chips manufactured by IBM. The line came out about 5 months before the more famous Cyrix 6x86. The Cyrix 5x86 was one of the fastest CPUs ever produced for Socket 3 computer systems. [citation needed] .
A Brief History Of Cyrix, Or How To Get Sued By Intel A Lot
2024年11月12日 · In a new installment on computer history, [Bradford Morgan White] takes us through the sordid history of Cyrix, as this plucky little company created the best math co-processors (FasMath) and...
Cyrix CPUs - Pctechguide.com
Dating from the time of their 486 line of processors, in 1989, it was Cyrix, together with fellow long-time Intel cloner Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), who have posed the most serious threat to Intel’s dominance.