Cytochrome c - Wikipedia
The cytochrome complex, or cyt c, is a small hemeprotein found loosely associated with the inner membrane of the mitochondrion where it plays a critical role in cellular respiration. It transfers electrons between Complexes III (Coenzyme Q – Cyt c reductase) and IV (Cyt c oxidase). Cytochrome c is highly water-soluble, unlike other cytochromes.
细胞色素C - 百度百科
細胞色素c - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
細胞色素複合體 (cytochrome complex)簡稱 細胞色素c (cyt c),是一種血红素蛋白(hemoprotein),屬於“ 细胞色素c家族 (英语:Cytochrome c family) ” [1]。 細胞色素c會與 粒線體 內膜輕微連接,結構鬆散而微小的它和其他 細胞色素 不同,是一種高度可溶性蛋白,在水中的可溶性達每公升100克。 細胞色素c是 電子傳遞鏈 不可或缺的元件,負責攜帶一粒電子,在 複合物III 和 複合物IV 之間傳遞。 此外,它能夠接受 氧化 和 還原反應,但不與 氧 結合。 在人體 …
【细胞凋亡原创系列一】细胞凋亡概述 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
细胞凋亡(apoptosis)是指细胞在一定的生理或病理条件下,受内在遗传机制控制,按照自身程序主动性、生理性的死亡过程。 细胞凋亡受凋亡相关基因调控,故又称为 程序性细胞死亡 (programmed cell death,PCD)。 二、凋亡与坏死的区别. 细胞死亡(cell death)是细胞损伤的最终结果。 目前大多认为,坏死(necrosis)和凋亡(apoptosis)是细胞死亡的两种主要形式。 图1 细胞坏死与细胞凋亡对比(图片来自网络) 凋亡是能量依赖的细胞内死亡程序活化而致的 …
【细胞凋亡原创系列六】线粒体在细胞凋亡中的作用 - 知乎
Cyt C作为载体,能够在线粒体呼吸链中传递电子,建立线粒体的跨膜电位,并产生ATP。 当Cyt C缺失或者功能障碍,会使呼吸链功能异常,ATP生成受阻,导致细胞凋亡。
Cytochrome C - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Cytochrome C is a small protein that plays a crucial role in the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis by being released from the mitochondrial membrane into the cytoplasm and initiating apoptotic pathways. AI generated definition based on: Advances in Protein Chemistry and …
The multiple functions of cytochrome c and their regulation in life …
Cytochrome c (Cyt c) is essential in mitochondrial electron transport and intrinsic type II apoptosis. Mammalian Cyt c also scavenges reactive oxygen species (ROS) under healthy conditions, produces ROS with the co-factor p66 Shc, and oxidizes cardiolipin during apoptosis.
Mechanisms of cytochrome c release from mitochondria
2006年5月5日 · In healthy cells, cytochrome c (Cyt c) is located in the mitochondrial intermembrane/intercristae spaces, where it functions as an electron shuttle in the respiratory chain and interacts with...
Cytochrome c : functions beyond respiration - Nature
Cytochrome c is one of the mitochondrial proteins that is released into the cytosol when the cell is activated by an apoptotic stimulus. In the cytosol, cytochrome c engages the apoptotic...
Diverse functions of cytochrome c in cell death and disease
2024年3月23日 · We summarize how posttranslational modifications of cytochrome c (e.g., phosphorylation, acetylation, tyrosine nitration, and oxidation), binding proteins (e.g., HIGD1A, CHCHD2, ITPR1, and ...
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