Tangential flow filtration - Cytiva
Shop Cytiva's tangential flow filtration (TFF) systems, cassettes, hollow fiber and single-use cartridge filters
Bioprocessing tangential flow filtration - Cytiva
TFF enables sized-based separation preventing membrane fouling with flow across the membrane. Multiple format choices and cut-offs can be optimized to support buffer exchange for chromatography, final product concentration and formulation, as well as separation of solids from cell culture fluids during perfusion.
Single pass TFF | Cytiva
Flow-through, single-pass TFF delivers concentration and diafiltration with lower shear and less system complexity, enabling process intensification and continuous operation. Enable flow-through, volume reduction in biotech, vaccine, blood plasma. Pall™ Life Sciences products.
Tangential flow filtration (TFF) is a rapid and efficient method for separation and purification of biomolecules. It can be applied to a wide range of biological fields such as immunology, protein chemistry, molecular biology, biochemistry, and microbiology. TFF can be used to concentrate and desalt sample solutions ranging in volume from 10 mL to
切向流过滤 - Cytiva
切向流过滤 (TFF),有时也称为错流过滤,是一种常用于生物制药应用和生命科学研究的分离技术。 该过滤技术得名于通过表面过滤器进行的切向进料流。 对含有高比例的小粒径固体的进料使用切向流过滤,其中渗透物为目标分子。 因为固体物质在死端过滤过程中会迅速堵塞过滤器表面。 TFF 的主要应用是浓缩、洗滤(脱盐和缓冲液更换)以及从小生物分子中分离出大生物分子。 您还可以使用 TFF 澄清和去除细胞培养或发酵培养基中的细胞或细胞碎片。 选择 TFF 而不是 死 …
切向流过滤系统_思拓凡官网 - Cytiva
切向流过滤 (TFF),也称为错流过滤,是生物制药和生命科学研究中用于澄清或浓缩细胞或微生物培养物的常用技术。 在切向流过滤系统中,进料或起始混合物沿过滤膜表面通过,而不是垂直通过。 TFF 是一种灵活的工艺,可以进行微滤或超滤。 过滤器上的压力差驱动小于孔径的分子通过过滤器,同时进料溶液继续循环。 在 切向流过滤 中,较大的组分被截留并沿膜表面通过,最后流回进料罐。 进料是指被引导至膜表面的溶液。 流过滤膜表面的部分液体是回流液,而通过膜的 …
TFF 过滤器 - 一次性 - Cytiva
切向流过滤(TFF/CFF)是一种用于洗滤、浓缩和分离生物分子的高效快速的技术。 在该技术中,进料溶液沿滤膜切向流出。 压力差促使比膜孔径小的分子透过中空纤维膜。 截留的大分子 …
Cross flow filtration (CFF, also known as tangential flow filtration TFF) is a filtration technique in which the starting solution passes tangentially along the surface of the filter. A pressure difference across the filter drives components that are smaller than the pores through the filter.
Filtration systems - Cytiva
Single-use and conventional tangential flow filtration systems for concentration, diafiltration, and cell harvest or clarification. Tangential flow filtration (TFF), also called crossflow filtration, is a …
T-Series TFF Cassettes with Omega™ Membrane u Easy implementation into your process. The new T-series cassettes offer significant improvements in construction and design while utilizing the same proven Omega polyethersulfone (PES) membrane to reduce revalidation requirements. u Increased safety, reliability, and reproducibility.