UNICORN™ 7 control software - Cytiva
UNICORN software version 7 offers flexible, intuitive control for chromatography, filtration, and oligo synthesis, and bioreactor processes.
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UNICORN™ 7 - Cytiva
UNICORN 7.11 is technically compatible with all relevant sections of FDA 21 CFR Part 11. A part 11-system assessment checklist is available on request from your local Cytiva
UNICORN™ 包括一个预定义 阶段库,用于创建或编辑您自己的方法。通过将阶段从阶段库 (Phase Library)拖放到方法概览(Method Outline),并在阶 段属性(Phase Properties)窗格中设置重要参数,即可创建或 编辑方法(图2)。• UNICORN™ 包括预定义的 Cytiva™ 层析柱库。
AKTA UNICORN 7-AKTA控制软件-AKTA趋势分析-思拓凡官网 - Cytiva
UNICORN™ system control software provides built-in knowledge for planning and controlling runs, as well as analyzing results. The software can control chromatography, rocking bioreactor, filtration and oligonucleotide synthesis systems.
Localandremotestations WhenUNICORN7.5isusedinanetworkdeployment(asillustratedforexampleinDedi-catednetworkforUNICORNonly,onpage15),clientcomputerscanbecategorizedas
软件安装 - Cytiva
需要获取不同版本 UNICORN™ 软件升级内容,可在Cytiva官方网站进行查询。 点击下载 UNICORN Software Change Descriptions 文件,查看不同版本软件更新的内容。 UNICORN软件中字体及格式显示不全该如何处理?
UNICORN™ control software contains the tools needed to perform a wide range of applications, such as protein purification, filtration and cell culture at different scales, from setting up and running a
UNICORN软件 - Cytiva
UNICORN 7 是一个简单且灵活的系统控制软件,用于研究、工艺开发和生产。 UNICORN™ Start 是用于控制 ÄKTA™ start 的软件。 最近我们将该软件升级到了1.3版本。 如果您使用的是之前的版本,请联系我们对软件进行升级。 选择其他区域以查看您所在区域的定制内容并在线购物。
UNICORN™ 7|思拓凡学堂 Cytiva University
UNICORN™ start - Cytiva
UNICORN™ start software includes four different modules: System Control, Method Editor, Evaluation, and Administration, allowing you to design runs, operate the ÄKTA™ start instrument, and to evaluate and share results. While ÄKTA™ start can function as a stand-alone system, UNICORN™ start software maximizes the performance of the instrument.