Learn about virtual reality (VR) equipment training - Cytiva
Using a VR headset and controllers operators learn how to use Cytiva equipment, allowing trial and error without risk. Studies have shown that VR is up to 4 × faster bringing a workforce to competence. Boost productivity, reduce costs, and gain flexibility while still providing robust on-the-job training for staff and equipment operators.
Cytiva 的虚拟现实 (VR) 设备培训-OptiRun 服务-OptiRun 服务解决方案-思拓凡官网 | Cytiva
OptiRun 服务包含Cytiva 的虚拟现实 (VR) 设备培训,支持ÄKTA/AKTA ready™ 系统及其他系统的 VR 培训。
Getting ÄKTA ready in virtual reality - Cytiva
2023年1月17日 · Conor and Dodi try their hand at learning to operate an ÄKTA ready in virtual reality. Their virtual journey takes them to Singapore and Miami, without leaving Sweden, Amersham, and Edinburgh. Join us on a journey into the metaverse. Show notes.
Cytiva产品中心|思拓凡学堂 Cytiva University
Cytiva产品中心提供多种生命科学研究和生产相关的产品,涵盖抗体开发、新型疫苗、细胞疗法等领域,支持药物研发和商业化 ...
Training in VR allows your operators to begin getting familiar with the equipment as soon as the purchasing contract is approved. By starting operator training before your system arrives, operators can get familiar with the equipment and procedures ahead of time. VR training limits downtime after installation and qualification
A new reality in life sciences - Cytiva
2023年4月8日 · Virtual reality technology from Cytiva displays an environment that is as close to the gold standard of face-to-face training as possible. As soon as you put the goggles on your eyes and the paddles in your hands, you are in a clean, lab-like environment.
线上产品课程|思拓凡学堂 Cytiva University
毎年好評のCytiva特製卓上カレンダープレゼントキャンペーン始まりました(25.2.6) お知らせ. 2025年度 研究用および製造用機器・試薬 価格改定のご案内(25.1.16) Press Release
AKTAprocess层析系统_层析产品_思拓凡官网 | Cytiva
该系统支持最高达 2000 L/h 的三种流速范围。 能够执行双泵在线稀释 (ILD),可在线采用缓冲液浓缩物来制备缓冲液。 使用 ILD,可以显著减少占地面积和储罐体积. ÄKTAprocess 是专为工艺放大和大规模生物制药生产而构建的自动化液相层析系统。 这种成熟有效的设计已在开发过程中进行了验证,可以由用户配置以满足特定的工艺需求。 当对在较小型 ÄKTA pure 和 ÄKTApilot 系统上开发的工艺进行放大时,ÄKTAprocess 系统明显是最佳选择。 Something went wrong – we …
An extraction-free method for sensitive detection of viral RNA ... - Cytiva
The Cytiva direct RT-PCR chemistry, which is a combination of a proprietary AIC and RT-PCR master mix, provides for an extraction-free nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT). This provides a fast, accurate and sensitive detection of viral RNA directly from unpurified nasopharyngeal patient samples, reducing the cost of the assay.