D'kyr type | Memory Alpha | Fandom
The D'kyr-type was a type of Vulcan starship operated by the High Command during the mid-22nd century. Some of these vessels were given the designation of combat cruiser in the 2150s. (ENT: "Future Tense") In 2154, a number of these starships …
D'Kyr class | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom
The D'Kyr-class was a type of Vulcan Confederacy starship, a combat cruiser in Vulcan High Command service in the 22nd century. The D'Kyr vessels eventually served on the side of the Coalition of Planets allies during the Earth-Romulan War.
D'kyr - Memory Alpha | Fandom
The D'kyr was a Vulcan D'kyr-type combat cruiser that was in service with the Vulcan High Command in the mid-22nd century. Enterprise was supposed to rendezvous with the D'kyr when its mission was canceled in February 2152. Sub-Commander T'Pol and Doctor Phlox were to be dropped off on the D'kyr for transport home. (ENT: "Shockwave")
D'Kyr Science Vessel - Official Star Trek Online Wiki
The D'Kyr-class Science Vessel is a Tier 5 (Level 40) Science Vessel which may be flown by Starfleet characters, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. All faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying unlock from the Zen Store .
Seleya | Memory Alpha | Fandom
2015年3月12日 · The Seleya was a Vulcan D'kyr-type combat cruiser that was in service with the Vulcan High Command in the mid-22nd century. This ship was under the command of Captain Voris. Its standard crew complement was 147.
D'Kyr class - Memory Delta Wiki
The D'Kyr-class was a type of Vulcan Confederacy starship, a combat cruiser in Vulcan High Command service in the 22nd century. The D'Kyr vessels eventually served on the side of the Coalition of Planets allies during the Earth-Romulan War.
D'Kyr Class - Specs - DITL
The D'Kyr class was a Vulcans vessel in use during the mid 22nd century. It bore the distinctive Vulcan design philosophy of that era - a ring nacelle with axial hull. For the D'Kyr, however, the hull does not penetrate through the centre of the ring nacelle but splits into two support struts.
D’Kyr vessels posses superior firepower to the Earth Starfleet’s NX-class, being armed with photonic and particle energy weapons, as well as deflector shields. Like most Vulcan ships, the D’Kyr was designed for practicality and functionality, with few amenities. Ships were crewed by 125 to 150 officers, typically sharing cabins. SCALE: 4 ...
Overview: Built by the Vulcan Confederacy, D'Kyr combat cruiser were the principal battleships of the Vulcan fleet. Worried about the building conflict with the Andorians, D'Kyr ships were designed to counter Andorian battlecruisers.
Ex Astris Scientia - Vulcan Ship Classes
2024年12月3日 · D'Kyr type: General description The D'Kyr is a member of a yet unnamed class. The ship is significantly larger than Enterprise NX-01. Like on the Surak class and the Sh'Ran, an annular warp drive is employed, but here the hull of the ship splits, thereby forming a second ring that wraps horizontally around the engine ring.
D'Kyr class (STO) - Trekipedia
A Vulcan design that was in continual use since the 22nd century, the D'Kyr class saw use as a combat cruiser, a planetary defense ship, an exploration vessel, a rescue ship, and, in the early 25th century, a science vessel.
D'kyr - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
D'kyr — French Premium Tier VI Battleship. Like most Vulcan ships, the specifications and capabilities of the D'kyr are largely classified. Expect formidable defenses, firepower, and technological surprises. D'kyr was temporarily released in the store as part of the Star Trek collaboration on July 8th, 2024. Year of Design: 2024
D'kyr type support craft - Memory Alpha
The D'kyr-type support craft was a relatively large mid-22nd century support craft carried aboard Vulcan D'kyr-type starships. The support craft was docked inside the engine hoop of its mother ship .
D'Kyr class - Ktarn Fleet Command Wiki
The D'Kyr-class was a type of spacecraft developed by the Confederacy of Vulcan in the early 22nd century that remained in used into the 25th. It was rated as a scale 6 cruiser by Starfleet. Like all Vulcan designs, the D'Kyr-class carried a coleopteric warp …
D'Kyr Class | Noxalons Wiki | Fandom
Located on Deck 15 of the primary hull, Main Engineering houses the warp core and the primary engineering support systems that span two levels.
D'Kyr Expansion - Star Trek: Attack Wing Wiki
The D'Kyr is a Vulcan combat cruiser. The D'Kyr class has a unique design with circular nacelles that fold into a horizontal position when not in use or when deploying a support craft that docks within the engine loop. It has an auxiliary control room on …
D'kyr personnel | Memory Alpha | Fandom
The following is a list of the Vulcan crew that served on board the D'kyr. This Vulcan was the captain of the D'kyr, which transported representatives of the Vulcan High Command for a rendezvous with Enterprise in order to cancel its mission. Captain Jonathan Archer convinced the Starfleet Command Council to allow his ship's mission to continue.
D'KYR How To Play More Effectively World Of Warships Legends …
D'KYR How To Play More Effectively World Of Warships Legends Guide#wowslegends #wowsl #worldofwarshipslegends World Of Warships Legends Beginner's Guides:htt...
Featured Ship: The Vulcan D’Kyr - playstartrekonline.com
2012年9月13日 · Vulcan D’Kyr (2000 ZEN) A flagship of the Vulcan fleet, the D’Kyr has been in continual service since the 22nd century. It has seen use as a combat cruiser, a planetary defense ship, an exploration vessel and a rescue ship, and has been refit as a science vessel in the 25th century.
Tal'Kir | Memory Alpha | Fandom
The Tal'Kir was a Vulcan D'kyr-type combat cruiser that was in service with the Vulcan High Command in the mid-22nd century. In 2152, the Tal'Kir was assigned to rendezvous with Starfleet's Enterprise NX-01 to transfer an Earth vessel from the 31st century back to Earth.