How can I make a script in /etc/init.d start at boot?
2017年4月20日 · If you want to start something at the end of the starting scripts, /etc/rc.local would be the file to look for, but if it depends on X11 already running, you might look for an …
Sed Explanation: sed '/./,$!d' file - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
2018年12月15日 · sed '/./,$!d' From the first line which contains a character (blank or not) to the end of the file - negate (which then means from the beginning of the file to the line before the …
What does the 'd' mean in ls -al results and what is that slot called?
my_empty_directory has a 'd' and is a directory, and myfile.txt has a '-' and is a normal text file. c means character device file. el@angeliqe /dev $ ls -al total 4 drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 4080 Dec …
What do the scripts in /etc/profile.d do? - Unix & Linux Stack …
@AvindraGoolcharan Different distros may use different schemes for this kind of thing. The profile.d directory only works because its contents are sourced by /etc/profile, which is …
What does the output `d?????????` in `ls -l` mean? [duplicate]
2021年10月29日 · On Linux and BSD, ls is able to get that it's a directory from the d_type field of the directory entry, but not much more. That may also happen in other situations where ls is …
sudoer file how to give a particular user full access to only certain file
2015年11月9日 · # file: file # owner: root # group: root user::rw- user:USERNAME:rwx group::r-- mask::rwx other::r-- you can see that an exception is been declared for your specific user to …
/etc/sudoers vs /etc/sudoers.d/ file for enabling sudo for a user
2017年7月5日 · The choice between sudoers and sudoers.d has nothing to do with security, but everything with maintainability. By uncommenting the sudo group line in /etc/sudoers, you can …
Automatically use `.zwc` version of a `source`d file
2018年7月8日 · If a file named ‘file.zwc’ is found, is newer than file, and is the compiled form (created with the zcompile builtin) of file, then commands are read from that file instead of file. …
Relationship between flags D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS and …
2022年2月28日 · I am using a 32 bit version of a Linux build in Yocto. I want to add support for timestamps after 2038, so in the local .conf file I added: TARGET_CPPFLAGS += " …
What does the "rc" stand for in /etc/rc.d? [duplicate]
[Unix: from runcom files on the CTSS system 1962-63, via the startup script /etc/rc] Script file containing startup instructions for an application program (or an entire operating system), …