Detonation spraying - Wikipedia
Detonation spraying is one of the many forms of thermal spraying techniques that are used to apply a protective coating at supersonic velocities to a material in order to change its surface characteristics. This is primarily to improve the durability of a component.
Detonation Gun (D-Gun) - Corrosionpedia
2024年7月19日 · A detonation gun (D-gun) is device that can deposit a variety of materials and ceramic coating at supersonic speeds onto a workpiece by controlled detonation of oxygen and acetylene. It is used in the thermal spraying process for providing hard, wear-resistant and dense-microstructured coatings.
What is D-gun? - Thermal Spray Application
D – gun thermal spray, also known as detonation – gun thermal spray, is a high – velocity thermal spray process. It uses the energy of a detonation wave to accelerate and deposit coating materials onto a substrate.
High temperature tribological properties of the D-gun WC-12Co …
2023年10月15日 · In this work, a WC-12Co coating was fabricated by the detonation gun (D-gun) spraying. Its microstructure, mechanical properties and tribological behaviors under FLiNaK molten salt were systematically studied. The main conclusions are drawn as follows. (1)
Coating Applications | Linde AMT
Choose from an array of application options to meet requirements, from bulk processing to specialty coating. Cost-effective and versatile options including D-GUN™, HP/HVOF®, wire arc and plasma spray for coatings that resist wear, corrosion, fatigue, oxidation and more.
An investigation on D-gun sprayed Al2O3-SiC coatings
2019年10月15日 · Al 2 O 3 -SiC powder mixture can be successfully deposited on bond coated steel by D-Gun technique without decomposing SiC. Al 2 O 3 ‐3 wt% SiC coating is found to be the highest wear resistant material among the selected Al 2 O 3 -SiC coatings.
Detonation Spray Coatings - SpringerLink
The detonation spray coating (DSC) process is a variant of thermal spraying in which powder feedstock of the coating material is heated and accelerated by high-pressure, high-temperature gaseous products resulting from controlled explosive combustion of a carefully measured mixture of gases (usually oxygen and acetylene), to impact a substrate a...
D-gun coating service - Thermal Spray Application
D-gun thermal spray coating is a thermal spray coating process that uses a detonation gun to combine gas and powder in controlled detonations. This process generates outstanding coating bond strength and coating density, making it the leading solution for parts that require extraordinary wear performance and mechanical properties.
D-gun -Thermal Spray Coating Service Provider China-APT
APT coating provide comprehensive, cost-effective Detonation spraying D-Gun capabilities that allow our customers to improve their operational efficiencies and reduce maintenance costs through our D-gun coatings services.
A Review on Detonation Gun Sprayed Coatings
The wear and friction behaviors of detonation-gun- (D-gun) and plasma-sprayed hard coatings were investigated by Yinglong [50] under dry sliding conditions. The coating materials studied