Diamond D-Jet - Wikipedia
The Diamond D-JET is a composite, five-seat, single-engine very light jet developed by Austrian aircraft manufacturer Diamond Aircraft Industries. [2] The intended cost for the aircraft was advertised by the company as being US$ 1.89 million dollars in March 2009.
钻石D-JET - 百度百科
新系列的d-jet单引擎超轻型飞机。 DJET飞机的设计以操作简单、安全,设置了新的超轻型飞机内部空间和行李舱的标准,采用了二加三的座位布局,即配备一个三人后座椅和两人的公务座椅,且舒适度良好。
Diamond D-Jet Executive Very Light Jet - Airport Technology
Diamond Aircraft Industries, based in Austria and Canada, has developed the D-Jet five-seat executive and owner-pilot jet. The aircraft was first revealed in 2002 and the first flight of the D-Jet took place on 18 April 2006 from the London International Airport, Ontario, home of Diamond's North American operations.
Diamond Aircraft Business Jet? A Look At The Canceled Diamond D-Jet
2024年11月17日 · The Diamond D-JET was a single-engine, very light jet aircraft designed and developed by Diamond Aircraft Industries. Headquartered in Austria, the company aimed to develop a lightweight composite aircraft that could accommodate up …
D-JET 6000系列光纤存储系统_北京谷数科技股份有限公司
d-jet 6000是谷数科技针对各种交互密集型应用和吞吐密集型应用所推出的中高端光纤san存储系统。 D-JET 6000面向大规模多核计算、多任务并发处理环境进行设计,在多个方面进行技术革新
Diamond Business Jet: What Came Of The Diamond D-Jet?
2025年2月10日 · The Diamond D-Jet represented a bold step forward for Diamond Aircraft and the VLJ market. With its sleek design, advanced technology, and owner-friendly features, the D-Jet promised to make jet-powered flight more accessible. However, market conditions and financial obstacles ultimately curtailed its development.
Diamond D-Jet Charter | evoJets
The Diamond D-Jet is considered a very light jet (VLJ) and is produced by Diamond Aircraft Industries. It is a composite, five-seat, single-engine jet aircraft which typically seats four to five passengers. This suave aircraft features a luxurious cabin and the latest in …
Diamond Aircraft announces first flight of D-JET with new …
2008年10月9日 · The combination of an extremely roomy cabin and three large baggage compartments, with a familiar flight envelope to FL250, the FADEC-controlled FJ33 engine and the Garmin G1000 3-screen flight deck, makes the D-JET the ideal Personal Jet, for pilots stepping up from high performance piston singles, twins and light turboprops or downsizing from ...
Diamond D-Jet - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero Corner
Avionics: Garmin G1000 Engine: 1 X Williams FJ33-4A-19 Power: 1,564 pound-force Max Cruise Speed: 315 knots 583 Km/h Approach Speed (Vref):
2020年5月22日 · 它就是,钻石飞机公司生产的d-jet公务机。 它机身长10.69米,翼展11.43米,高度3.53米,是款体型非常迷你的喷气式私人飞机。 它使用1台涡扇发动机,最大速度可达到每小时583千米,航程可达2500千米。