Duel Runner | Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki | Fandom
The Duel Runner, known as D-Wheel (D・ホイール, Di Hoīru) in the Japanese and German versions, is a special Duel Disk extension utilized for Turbo Duels. It was introduced in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's and also appears in Yu-Gi-Oh!
Wheel of Names
Wheel of Names - Free and easy to use spinner. Enter names, spin wheel to pick a random winner. Customize look and feel, save and share wheels.
D轮 - 百度百科
「D轮」(Duel-Wheel)是在动画《游戏王5D's》中出现的一种摩托车式决斗盘,骑乘决斗(Riding Duel)专用。 后在《游戏王ARC-V》中也延续了这种设定。 D轮是决斗盘发展过程的,供决斗者搭乘及运用,形体因人而异。
D-Wheel - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Wiki
The D-Wheel (D・ホイール Di Hoīru), known as Duel Runner in the Dub version, is a special Duel Disk extension utilized for Riding Duels developed by KaibaCorp introduced in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's series and were then reintroduced in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V series. In ARC-V manga, Riding Duelist is referred as D-Wheeler (D・ホイーラー Di Hoīrā).
在未来的童野镇拥有最新式设备的体育场中,流行的是一种以骑乘最先进的决斗卡片,通过赛车的形式进行比赛的Riding Duel,故事就是以新主角不动游星展开的。 武藤游戏的时代数十年后的童实野町,演变成了阶级社会的未来都市新童实野都市。 [1] 主人公不动游星驾驶着决斗盘的进化型D轮摩托以从下层区到上层区为目标奔驰。 以夺走对自己和朋友很重要的卡 星尘龙 的为所欲为的竞敌·骑乘决斗的冠军人物 杰克·阿特拉斯 所在的决斗竞技场为目标。 终于游星和杰克对峙了。 怀 …
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Yu☆Gi☆Oh! 5D's - MyAnimeList.net
They are played on D-Wheels, a hybrid between Duel Disks and motorbikes. After the mechanically skilled Yuusei managed to build his own D-Wheel, his former friend Jack Atlas stole it alongside Yuusei's best card, Stardust Dragon; ditching their decrepit hometown of Satellite, he escaped to Neo Domino City.
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DIY一辆《游戏王5D's》 中的「D轮」(Duel-Wheel ... - 知乎
「D轮」(Duel-Wheel)是在动画《 游戏王5D's 》中出现的一种摩托车 式决斗盘。 从小到大我都梦想有一辆自己的D轮。 现在我工作了,一步步也… 就摩托车+个决斗盘就行了吧.... 「D轮」(Duel-Wheel)是在动画《游戏王5D's》中出现的一种摩托车式决斗盘。 从小到大我都梦想…
D&D - Class Picker | Spin the Wheel - Random Picker
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