D环 - 百度百科
D环(D-loop),亦称置换环(displacement loop)是指一个双链DNA的两条单链互相分离,并被另外一条(第三条)核酸链隔开的结构。 第三条核酸链与与之配对的核酸链具有互补的碱基 …
D环 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
D环(D-loop),或称置换环(displacement loop)在分子生物学中是指一个双链DNA的两条单链互相分离,并被另外一条(第三条)核酸链隔开的结构。第三条核酸链与与之配对的核酸链具 …
D-loop - Wikipedia
In molecular biology, a displacement loop or D-loop is a DNA structure where the two strands of a double-stranded DNA molecule are separated for a stretch and held apart by a third strand of …
D环复制 - 百度百科
动物细胞的线粒体的环状双链dna分子双螺旋的两条链并不同时进行复制,其中一条链因为密度较高称之为重链(简称h链),另一条链因为密度较低称之为轻链(简称l链),复制时,以l链为 …
Demystifying the D-loop during DNA recombination - Nature
2020年10月14日 · Homologous recombination is a mechanism for DNA repair that enables the exchange of genetic information between DNA molecules. Structural analysis reveals how...
线粒体d-loop基因 - 百度文库
线粒体d-loop基因是线粒体DNA的一个重要区域,也被称为控制区。 它在线粒体DNA复制和转录中起着重要的调控作用。 本文将从d-loop基因的结构、功能及其在疾病中的作用等方面进行详细 …
Dynamic Processing of Displacement Loops during Recombinational DNA ...
2019年3月21日 · Displacement loops (D-loops) are pivotal intermediates of homologous recombination (HR), a universal DNA double strand break (DSB) repair pathway. We …
D-loop replication - Wikipedia
D-loop replication is a proposed process by which circular DNA like chloroplasts and mitochondria replicate their genetic material. An important component of understanding D-loop replication is …
Biochemical Analysis of D-Loop Extension and DNA Strand
This chapter describes biochemical assays for (1) D-loop formation and DNA synthesis within the D-loop and (2) DNA strand displacement synthesis to test the role of DNA helicases (e.g., …
The intrinsic ability of double-stranded DNA to carry out D-loop …
2020年1月1日 · Double-stranded (ds)DNA, not dsRNA, has an ability to form a homologous complex with single-stranded (ss)DNA or ssRNA of homologous sequence. D-loops and …