FAQ: D15 SOHC VTEC Mini-Me : Massive Write-Up (56k Goodbye)
2003年7月5日 · This is a write-up based on a 1992 D16Z6 head being bolted onto a 1993 Civic LX with a D15B7 block. Like Spade’s SOHC Upgrades thread, this is a continual work in progress. If you are thinking about doing a mini-me swap on your 92-95 Civic using a D16Z6 head, then this is the place to be.
d15b2-d15b7 swap confusion - HondaSwap.com
2009年1月28日 · d15b2-d15b7 This swap is easy as hell. Swap all the stuff from your stock block to the new one. The dizzy, intake, exhaust, coolant bypass tube( on the back).And the timming belt side motor mount braket and the engine harness. This swap works both ways. Dont do the mpfi swap till your ready and have all the parts.
Dan's MASSIVE D15B8/D16Y8 MiniMe Write Up! - HondaSwap.com
2009年6月12日 · 3) 1 D16Y7/Y8 Headbolt or Stud, 9 D15B7/B8 Headbolt or Stud, Do not mix and match these, I got a custom set from ARP for only $135 shipped to my door, don't buy these on Ebay. If you are on a tight budget, Buy 1 brand new Y7/Y8 Headbolt and re-use 9 of your D15B7/B8 bolts (YES they can be re-used because they are hardened bolts, not torque to ...
building a d15b7 for boost - HondaSwap.com
2003年8月19日 · here it goes just last week i bought a d15b7 from seanjuan for the tranny for dirt cheap.... the motor burns oil like a mofo. the tranny is going in to my civic as we speak... so my question is since i have this motor what are some good parts …
D15/Z6 Mini-Me Swap Writeup - HondaSwap.com
2006年4月17日 · Old setup. D15B7. Very tired, and had a slow leak in the HG. I considered a swap to a DOHC motor, but I found a killer deal on a Z6 head. These parts you *will* and I mean WILL need.-Oil-Z6 head (obviously)-New timing belt for a D16Z6 (B7 belt is too long)-New gaskets-Felpro or Honda OE HG-New studs if you want-P28 ECU, or a VTEC converted P06.
HELP,Swapping a D15B to D16Y7 | HondaSwap.com
2008年1月13日 · Does it say d15b7 or just d15b? If its just a d15b, its a jdm engine that was more than likely carburated in japan. If this is the case it has higher compression pistons than a standard us model d15 sohc. I would take your y7 head and use it on your 1.5 block. This combination would make for a very good compression ratio.
D15b7 in a 91 sedan swap help - HondaSwap.com
2009年5月19日 · I bought a d15b7 to swap in the car since the B2 is dieing. I also have a P06 ECU and a B7 engine harness. I am little confused on where to go from here. The car only has one plug from the ecu harness to the engine harness currently. The B7 harness has 3 plugs that connect to the ecu harness. I need some help figuring out how to do this.
routing the coolant hoses for a d15b7 intake mani on a jdm d15b??
2006年11月25日 · i need a digaram on routing the coolant hoses for a d15b7 intake mani on a jdm d15b: the pics in my haynes of an entire d15b7 show some things being there that arent; one thing being a port on the connecting pipe that is supposed to run to the driver's side outlet on the iacv, but the port on the pipe isnt there These last coupke problems are ...
oem pistons in d15b7 block.. - hondaswap.com
2004年5月23日 · The DOHC ZC pistons' compression height is 1.7mm shorter than the D15B7's, so there's really no point in switching your pistons. Just use the stock pistons you already have and maybe a thin head gasket. If you can get your hands on the 2 layer Y8 gasket and a Y8 head, you'll make: D15B7 bottom + Y8 head + Y8 2 layer gasket = 10.86:1 compression
D15b2 - d15b7 - b18a1 | HondaSwap.com
2009年9月21日 · Ok, so my friend has a 91 hatch. It was originally obd0 obviously but it was swapped to obd1. However, they left the dpfi on it being morons and now want to go b18a1 obd1 for serious tuning purposes. My question is since the car is technically obd1, what needs done wiring wise to swap a b18a1...