VIDS/MAF Copy 1 consisting of job status, date, time, and EOC code. A SCIR related event is an event with a valid EOC code documented. A valid EOC code is one where the first position is …
harness/ecu help please | Honda / Acura K20a K24a Engine Forum
2010年10月15日 · A8 Valve Position Sensor (K20A3/K24A1) / Knock Return (D17) MAF Input Avail, 0-5 Volt Input A9 Knock Sensor Knock #1 Input PnP for Knock Sensor A10 Sensor …
02-04 & 05-06 rsx type s ecu pinout - Honda / Acura K20a K24a …
2007年6月12日 · Let's crack open my trusty RSX electrical manual... A4 and A5 are PG2 and PG1 respectively for both 02-04 models as well as 05-06. They eventually go to G101 but A5 …
All you need to know about tuning a Honda D17 engine
We detail the best approach to D17 tuning and outline the best mods and upgrades for your modified car project. Honda D17s are awesome to work on and there are lots of performance …
how much power can a stock d17a1 reliably handle? advice ... - Reddit
2021年2月28日 · If you're looking for a reliable build with about 160 whp that drives nice and is also a usable daily, the people who recommend a K swap are right. K20 engines are super …
【文章】17.3升780马力,它是欧洲卡车动力之王,沃尔沃D17柴油 …
在d17发动机之上,沃尔沃将其峰值气缸压力进行了提升,压缩比亦由d16发动机的16:1提升至17.3:1,从而实现更高的功率输出、更高的输出效率。 与此同时,发动机内部大量应用低摩擦 …
Build Theory, 04' using a D17A1 - Honda D Series Forum
2007年7月26日 · I've just recently purchased an 04' DX Coupe, which has the D17A1 engine at 115 horses and 2800 curb weight and nothing but stock parts. Lets take this and try to plan a …
军备竞赛再升级 D17发动机横空出世 780马力沃尔沃FH16 Aero来 …
2024年1月31日 · 沃尔沃新款FH16 Aero采用D17柴油发动机,最大功率780马力,最大扭矩3800牛米. 新的沃尔沃17升柴油发动机最高可达780马力和3800牛米,可以轻松应对最艰难的运输任 …
INSTALLED/NEW ITEM BLOCKS. Blocks G08 through G48 are completed on the VIDS/ MAF when a repairable component and/or part is installed on the end item or major component on …
2002-2006 PRB ECU Pin-outs (RSX) - E Tunez
A8 Valve Position Sensor (K20A3/K24A1) / Knock Return (D17) MAF Input Avail, 0-5 Volt Input A9 Knock Sensor Knock #1 Input PnP for Knock Sensor A10 Sensor Ground 2 (TPS, IAT, …