I am having problems logging in to D2L. How do I get help ... - HACC
If you are still unable to access D2L, please contact D2L or the HACC IT Support Center using the ...
How do I access my online class? - HACC Learning Commons | Ask …
If your class is not showing up in D2L or you are unable to log in to MyHACC, call the HACC Support Center at 717-780-2570. Links & Files D2L Brightspace alternate link Opens in new window
How can I link my D2L (Brightspace) account with my Google …
Once you are done, you will be returned to the D2L homepage. If you scroll to the bottom under the “ Google Apps ” section, you will now have access to your email, calendar, and drive files. The next time you submit files to the Dropbox, you will have …
I am having issues accessing Brightspace(D2L). What's wrong?
D2L is committed to performing key application testing when new browser versions are released. New and updated functionality is also tested against the latest version of supported browsers. However, due to the frequency of some browser releases, D2L cannot guarantee that each browser version will perform as expected.
What is the my.HACC Portal? - HACC Learning Commons | Ask Us
The my.Hacc portal is a web service environment that displays information, services, and tools to every campus stakeholder, students, faculty, and staff. It provides links to all college information in one convenient and easy to use web portal.
HACC Learning Commons | Ask Us: User Support
2020年8月20日 · Please wait 24-26 hours after registering for a class to appear in D2L. - The class hasn’t started. If the class has not yet started, it will not be visible on D2L. If you are unsure about when your class is supposed to start view the student Detail Class Schedule in myHACC. Your class will not appear in D2L until the first day of class.
User Support - HACC Learning Commons | Ask Us
2020年8月21日 · HACC Learning Commons & Library HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College Gettysburg | Harrisburg | Lancaster | Lebanon | York
Learning Commons FAQ: Q. How do I contact the IT Support …
Email: [email protected] . Get help in person at your campus IT Office: Gettysburg Campus: Gettysburg 307 Harrisburg Campus: Building - Stabler 107 Lebanon Campus: Lebanon 303 Lancaster Campus: Building - Main 314 York Campus: Building - CSS 114 . Brightspace D2L support is available 24/7 1-877-325-7778 Email: [email protected]
What accounts are reset when I reset my my.Hacc account?
2020年8月20日 · If a user resets their my.Hacc password, it will reset their password for D2L, Hawkmail, HACC printing system and other systems that are using single-sign on through the my.Hacc portal. The passwords should sync right away but there could take up to 5 minutes to synchronize with some systems.
Q. How do I renew library material? - HACC
1 D2L; 2 Databases; 1 Fees; 2 Gettysburg; 4 HACC ID; 2 Harrisburg; 5 Help; 2 Lancaster; 2 Lebanon; 6 Library Hours; 9 Library Information; 3 Online Class; 3 Password; 2 Printing; 1 Research Appointment; 1 Reserves; 1 Streaming Video; 1 Technology; 2 York