D2L | Online Learning Platform | Creators of the Brightspace LMS …
Learn how we partner with customers to build the best solutions. Create and deliver personalized learning at scale with powerful tools and customizable content. Boost enrollment with an easy …
Brightspace Learning Management System | LMS Platform - D2L
D2L Brightspace is the LMS built to focus on the learning moment, bringing artificial intelligence, learning science, and human ingenuity together to improve learner achievement. Simplify …
About D2L: Story & Mission
D2L is a global learning innovation company helping organizations reshape the future of education and work. We’re leading the way into the era of personalized learning, driven by the …
D2L Brightspace - Kennesaw State University
Kennesaw State University's D2L Brightspace is a comprehensive Learning Management System that supports the university's academic needs. This platform provides students, faculty, and …
Login - Brightspace - D2L
Welcome to Brightspace by D2L. Username. Password. Log In. Forgot your password? Warning. Either your browser does not support JavaScriptor it has been disabled through your browser's …
Homepage - Michigan State University
These observations and records may include a student's access to online library materials linked through the Desire2Learn course website. Use of these observations and records must …
Home - Brightspace
Explore the Community through different segments (Higher Ed, K-12, and Corporate) and different profiles (Administrator, Instructor, Teacher, Student, and Learner) to see Release Notes, …
University of Arizona - D2L
Welcome to the University of Arizona D2L course site. Click to log in to the UA NetID system.
Using D2L (Desire2Learn) - Oakton College
Gain access to your online coursework at Oakton College through D2L (Desire to Learn). Learn more about how-to navigate to D2L and how to get support.
Gordon State College D2L Access Page - USG
Your D2L username and password are the same as your Gordon State network (email) credentials. Your username is printed on the back of your Gordon College ID card. Do not …