We provide a secure and assured cloud-native application platform to help you quickly develop digital services at OFFICIAL and SECRET. You can use industry-leading DevSecOps tools to build your...
D2S//Platform overview – D2S – MOD.UK
Use the D2S//Platform to build, test and deploy secure software as highly available cloud-native services. The D2S//Platform has a development/test environment for building applications at...
Defence Developer Services - Digital MOD.UK
We provide a secure and assured cloud-native application platform to help you quickly develop digital services at OFFICIAL and SECRET. You can use industry-leading DevSecOps tools to build your CI/CD pipeline. You can use the D2S//Platform to build applications that can be a mix of your own code, open-source and off-the-shelf solutions.
Learning and guidance – D2S – MOD.UK
We have learning and guidance to support onboarding and upskilling. Guidance to help you use the platform includes: to support development of basic DevSecOps skills and knowledge. To access...
Digital MOD.UK
Defence Developer Services (D2S) Use our modern, cloud-native and assured DevSecOps platform with tools to create and deploy software at pace and scale. Defence Data Analytics Platform (DDAP)
Accelerating Defence software in 2024: The latest highlights from D2S
2024年12月5日 · D2S Reuse: Aligned with MOD’s digital strategy, we’re focusing on curating and reusing software to boost developer efficiency and streamline assurance. This includes an Advanced Developer...
[存档] 重制版离线补丁D2ROffline v2.0.8及D2S存档转换工具更新( …
2009年3月14日 · 2、更新D2S存档转换工具,经测试已经可以转换旧版本的BT装备及修改装备了。 注:测试环境为旧版1.13C 补充说明1:看好了功能再点,正常情况,旧档转新档,只需要点击开所有难度和小站即可。 然后点击导出D2R存档就是新档了。 补充说明2: (1)新档开难度和小站,存档位置必须为“C:\Users\用户名\Saved Games\Diablo II Resurrected Tech Alpha” (2)旧档转新档,存档位置必须为“X:\Diablo II\Save”保持和自己的注册表一致.
重制版离线补丁D2ROffline v2.0.8及D2S存档转换工具更新(修复 …
2009年3月14日 · 2、更新D2S存档转换工具,经测试已经可以转换旧版本的BT装备及修改装备了。 补充说明1:看好了功能再点,正常情况,旧档转新档,只需要点击开所有难度和小站即可。 然后点击导出D2R存档就是新档了。 另外可不定时帮大家定制人物角色、技能、属性、等级及装备。 说明好自己的需求。 您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有帐号? 注册. 你好楼主,我打开网页后点击了根目录下的diablo2\save\下的角色存档,但是没有上传的反应。 也不会导出,请问是怎 …
Diablo 2 LoD 1.14d Single-player Mod and Editing D2S Files
Welcome! This is the portion of my website that I use to try my best to contribute to the Diablo II LoD 1.14d community. Here you will find my mod + source code to edit D2s character save files + source code to observe changes in D2S files so that you can edit as you will.
MOD.UK Design System
27 October 2023: The Defence Developer Services (D2S) will shortly commence work on its re-use strategy and the discovery and delivery of a reusable components service. As part of this, we will...