Fairchild Dornier 328JET - Wikipedia
The Fairchild-Dornier 328JET is a commuter airliner, based upon the turboprop-powered Dornier 328, developed by the German aircraft manufacturer Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH.It would be the last Dornier-designed aircraft to reach production before the company's collapse during the early 2000s. The 328JET was designed by Dornier in response to negative feedback from some customers on the ...
Dornier 328 - Wikipedia
The Dornier 328 is a turboprop-powered commuter airliner.Initially produced by Germany company Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH, the firm was acquired in 1996 by US firm Fairchild Aircraft.The resulting firm, named Fairchild-Dornier, manufactured the 328 family in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, conducted sales from San Antonio, Texas, United States, and supported the product line from both locations.
多尼尔328 - 百度百科
多尼尔328(Fairchild-Dornier 328)是由德国多尼尔公司所研发的可分别采用涡桨及涡扇引擎的支线客机,在1991年首航,1992年取得适航证;但后来基于资金不足问题,生产权一度转移甚至中断,直至2005年停产。Do 328是唯一一款同时拥有涡桨和涡扇发动机型号的飞机。
D328 Jet - Deutsche Aircraft
The D328 ® series is certified in 85 countries, and is currently in use in many countries including United States, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Nigeria and Australia. It has a standard seating capacity of 32 passengers with the possibility of either a jet or turboprop engine.
The D328eco - Deutsche Aircraft
D328eco D328MR D328 Turboprop D328 Jet Pre-owned Aircraft. Investors. Support. Material Support Technical Support Simulator Training Maintenance Support Technical Publications Modification & Completion Authorized Service Center. Suppliers Careers. News & Media. News Events Media Kit. Contact.
FAIRCHILD DORNIER 328 | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
High speed, short range commuter airliner. In service since 1993. Turboprop regional airliner development in the 30 seat class. DORNIER 328 variants: 328-100 initial standard production, The 328-110 is heavier with greater range, The 328-120/130 has an improved short field performance and the 323-200 has an increased airspeed. Jet powered derivative 328JET.
Dornier 328 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero Corner
D328 Price: US$7 million Performance; Weights; Dimensions; Avionics: Honeywell PRIMUS 2000 Engine: 2x 2 X Pratt And Whitney PW 119B ... Dornier Alpha Jet | Fairchild Dornier 328JET | Fairchild Dornier 728 Family | Aircraft. Airplanes. Commercial Airplanes. Passenger Turbo Props. Dornier 328; Similar Aircraft.
多尼尔328-300 - 百度百科
2003年,美国的AvCraft取得了Do 328和Do 328Jet生产权,及展开428JET的开发,而飞机也在2004年重新启动生产线。但在2005年形势转变,美国两大Do 328JET主要用户改用其它飞机营运,超过30架飞机被封存;而分公司以一间在亚洲的航空公司未有付款接收328JET所造成的资金周转问题为由宣布破产;而AvCraft行政总裁更 ...
Fairchild Dornier 328JET - Aero Corner
British Airways- Dornier 328-300 JET 'OY-NCM' credit: Riik@mctr. Fairchild Dornier 328-300 328JET 'N328DA' credit: Tomás Del Coro. Fairchild Dornier 328-300 328JET 'N328DA' credit: Tomás Del Coro. FlyMex Fairchild Dornier 328-310 328JET 'XA-ALA' credit: Tomás Del Coro.