Aichi D3A - Wikipedia
The Aichi D3A (Navy designation "Type 99 Carrier Bomber"; Allied reporting name "Val") [a] is a World War II carrier-borne dive bomber. It was the primary dive bomber of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) and was involved in almost all IJN actions, including the attack on Pearl Harbor.
九九式艦上轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
日本海軍在昭和14年(1939年)12月16日決定由愛知勝出競標,並定名為九九式艦上爆擊機一一型,型號為d3a。 九九艦爆原型採用的是中島生產的光一型發動機,但動力潛能不足為不爭事實,量產型在海軍要求下更換為三菱的 金星四四型 。
Aichi D3A "Val" - Naval Encyclopedia
2022年4月22日 · But it was really the dreaded “Val” that made all the heavy lifting for the IJN in the crucial first year of the war with the US, until December 1942, with ace pilots and results: They sank single-handedly 11 destroyers, two heavy cruisers, one aircraft carrier and several auxiliaries, while assisting in many others, notably five fleet aircraft ...
Aichi D3A - Military Wiki | Fandom
The Aichi D3A, (Allied reporting name "Val")[2] was a World War II carrier-borne dive bomber of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN). It was the primary dive bomber in the Imperial Japanese Navy, and participated in almost all actions, including the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Warplanes of Japan: Aichi D3A - silverhawkauthor.com
The Aichi D3A was the first Japanese aircraft to bomb American targets in the war, commencing with Pearl Harbor and U.S. bases in the Philippines, such as Clark Air Force Base. They sank more Allied warships than any other Axis aircraft.
Japanese Aircraft Used at Pearl Harbor: A Historical Overview
2024年7月17日 · The Aichi D3A "Val" dive bomber served a critical role during the attack on Pearl Harbor, primarily as a precision bombing platform. Designed to excel in diving attacks, the Val utilized its agility to accurately target ships and infrastructure, contributing significantly to the damage inflicted during the assault.
The Aichi D3A (Val) - Aviation History
On December 7,1941, the Japanese Imperial Navy launched 353 aircraft from six carriers, 1 in a surprise attack, against United States military installations, on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. The aircraft included Mitsubishi A6M2s (Zero), Nakajima B5Ns (Kate) and Aichi D3As (Val).
Aichi D3A - World War Photos
The following day, on the 8th, a decisive battle was fought, and 33 D3A participated in the attack, hiting aircraft carrier USS Lexington with two 250kg bombs and another hit on USS Yorktown. The Lexington was heavily damaged in the attack and was sunk by American destroyers.
Aichi D3A Dive Bomber - War in the Skies
The Aichi D3A was the first Japanese aircraft to bomb American targets in World War II, commencing with Pearl Harbor and U.S. bases in the Philippines, such as Clark Air Force Base. During the course of the Second World War, the D3A dive bomber sank more Allied warships than any other Axis aircraft.
Aichi D3A2 “Val” – Specifications, Facts, Drawings, Blueprints
2024年12月7日 · Apart from the fact that this type of airplane predominated in the force that attacked Pearl Harbour, it was that most unpleasant of warplanes, a dive bomber; not, admittedly, so angularly awe-inspiring as the Ju 87, but no less lethal for that.