Aichi D3A - Wikipedia
The Aichi D3A (Navy designation " Type 99 Carrier Bomber "; Allied reporting name " Val ") [a] is a World War II carrier-borne dive bomber. It was the primary dive bomber of the Imperial …
Aichi D3A "Val" - Naval Encyclopedia
2022年4月22日 · Imperial Japanese Navy, 1,495 built. The “Val” as it was referred in the USN, was the main Imperial Japanese Dive Bomber of WW2, until replaced gradually from 1942 …
爱知D3A型瓦尔轰炸机 - 百度百科
D3A九九式轰炸机.是日本爱知公司于 1936年研制的一种双座活塞式舰载俯冲轰炸机,1937年12月试飞.1939年投入生产,共生产1489架。 1936年,日本空军需要一种装备齐全,矮翅单翼式 …
Aichi D3A2 “Val” – Specifications, Facts, Drawings, Blueprints
2024年12月7日 · The Aichi D3A (code name Val) somehow seemed to typify Japan’s entry into World War 2. Apart from the fact that this type of airplane predominated in the force that …
99式舰载俯冲轰炸机 - 百度百科
99式舰载俯冲轰炸机 (D3A) (99舰爆)是 日本帝国海军 著名的轰炸机之一,自始至终参加了太平洋战争。 1937-38年间,爱知公司在双翼的94舰爆和96舰爆的基础上设计了该机,其设计特点 …
Aichi D3A2 'Val' - Planes of Fame Air Museum
On 7 December 1941, 126 Aichi D3A 1 s (Allied code name Val) left their carriers for Pearl Harbor. The Val was the first aircraft bearing the insignia of the Rising Sun to bomb US …
The Aichi D3A (Val) - Aviation History
On December 7,1941, the Japanese Imperial Navy launched 353 aircraft from six carriers, 1 in a surprise attack, against United States military installations, on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. The …
Aichi D3A "Val" - J-Aircraft
The Aichi Type 99 carrier bomber (D3A1 model 11 "Val") entered service with the Imperial Japanese Naval Air Force in an overall finish of natural metal or painted aluminum.
Aichi D3A (Val) Carrier-Borne Bomber / Dive Bomber - Military Factory
2018年11月28日 · The D3A series of aircraft (dubbed "Val" by the Allies) were thought to be all but extinct when the war in the Pacific began. The rude awakening came in the form of the …
D3A, Val, type 99, Aichi, Shipborne Assault Dive Bomber, Japan
The D3A gained notoriety after the Japanese air raid on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. Double dive bomber type "99" company Aichi entered service in 1939. According to its scheme - a …