Aichi D3A Dive Bomber - War in the Skies
During the course of the Second World War, the D3A dive bomber sank more Allied warships than any other Axis aircraft. In mid-1936, the Japanese Navy issued the 11-Shi specification for a monoplane carrier-based dive bomber to replace the existing D1A biplane currently in service.
Aichi D3A - Wikipedia
The D3A1 first saw combat operation in November 1939, one month prior to its official acceptance as the Navy Type 99 dive bomber. Nakajima sent several examples to the 14th Air group operating at Haikou on Hainan island in South China.
九九式艦上轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
日本海軍在昭和14年 (1939年)12月16日決定由愛知勝出競標,並定名為 九九式艦上爆擊機一一型,型號為 D3A。 九九艦爆原型採用的是中島生產的光一型發動機,但動力潛能不足為不爭事實,量產型在海軍要求下更換為三菱的 金星四四型。 九九艦爆一一型含量產機合計生產476架。 在1942年,愛知開始改良九九艦爆性能,除了更換出力更大的金星五四型發動機(離地輸出1,300匹馬力)外,並對機體空氣動力構型做出些微修正;1943年服役的改良型稱為 九九式艦上爆擊 …
#33 - PEARL HARBOR raid - Akagi's dive bombers
2012年11月13日 · Akagi's dive bombers force with 18 Aichi D3A1, divided in 6 shotai (3 planes unit): 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, 26th and 27th. Four Akagi's D3A1 were shot down during the attack.
Aichi D3A "Val" - Naval Encyclopedia
2022年4月22日 · The Aichi D3A1 and D3A2 "Val" (Navy Type 99 Carrier Bomber Model 11) was the standard IJN dive bomber in 1940-43. replaced by the Yokosuka "Judy", it had an impresive tally, but less impressive than the Dauntless
爱知D3A“99”式舰载俯冲轰炸机参数 - 百度知道
2024年7月17日 · 这款飞机的动力源自两型三菱发动机,最初采用的是“金星”43,功率达到了990马力,型号为D3A1;后续升级为“金星”51,提供强大的1200马力,即D3A2版本。
爱知D3A型瓦尔轰炸机 - 百度百科
Aichi D3A (Val) Carrier-Borne Bomber / Dive Bomber
2018年11月28日 · This new version from Aichi, now designated D3A1, would feature revised wings of a larger span, improved dive brakes, a 1,000 horsepower Mitsubishi Kinsei 43 radial piston engine in a redesigned cowling and improvements to …
Aichi D3A - Combined Fleet
Description: Single-engined carrier-borne and land-based dive-bomber (D3A1 and D3A2) or bomber trainer (D3A2-K). All-metal construction with fabric-covered control surfaces. Accommodation: Crew of two in tandem enclosed cockpits.
Aichi D3A1 "Val" AI-205 日本海軍 NA-07 - aviationgraphic.com
日本海軍 愛知九九式艦上爆撃機11型 D3A1 空母「赤城」搭載機真珠湾攻撃機 IJN carrier "Akagi"’s attack wave on Pearl Harbor. 7th December 1941