Aichi D3A - Wikipedia
Aichi D3A1 of 33rd Air Group over eastern Java in early summer 1942. Aichi D3A1s from Shōkaku return to their carrier after attacking the U.S. carrier Enterprise during the Battle of the Eastern Solomons in August 1942.
九九式艦上轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
日本海軍在昭和14年 (1939年)12月16日決定由愛知勝出競標,並定名為 九九式艦上爆擊機一一型,型號為 D3A。 九九艦爆原型採用的是中島生產的光一型發動機,但動力潛能不足為不爭事實,量產型在海軍要求下更換為三菱的 金星四四型。 九九艦爆一一型含量產機合計生產476架。 在1942年,愛知開始改良九九艦爆性能,除了更換出力更大的金星五四型發動機(離地輸出1,300匹馬力)外,並對機體空氣動力構型做出些微修正;1943年服役的改良型稱為 九九式艦上爆擊 …
Aichi D3A "Val" - Naval Encyclopedia
2022年4月22日 · The Aichi D3A1 and D3A2 "Val" (Navy Type 99 Carrier Bomber Model 11) was the standard IJN dive bomber in 1940-43. replaced by the Yokosuka "Judy", it had an impresive tally, but less impressive than the Dauntless
Aichi D3A Type 99 (Val) Info - daveswarbirds.com
After the initial successes in the first year of the war, the D3A's inferiority to Allied fighters resulted in heavy losses. It was replaced in front-line service by the Aichi D4Y Suisei "Judy", though the Val remained in use until the war's end.
二战日本爱知D3A1九九舰爆11型Val舰载俯冲轰炸机 - 知乎
2023-06-24二战日本爱知 D3A1 九九舰爆11型 Val 舰载俯冲轰炸机. 简介. 九九舰爆与其同时代的英国大鸥,德国ju87c,美国SB2U辩护者,sbd无畏相比,除了sbd不能折叠机翼外,其它3款都是深度折叠,而九九式的折叠还是在由于升降机大小限制,与sbd一样,在重量,性能和结构强度上的取舍。 但99式在南太平洋80%的命中率证明了他的辉煌。 日本帝国海军在1936年对民间提出“十一试舰上轰炸机”的开发需求,以替换当时刚服役的D1A俯冲轰炸机; 爱知找上了德国亨克尔, …
Aichi D3A Val - TracesOfWar.com
2025年2月25日 · The aircraft was ordered by the Japanese Navy in December 1939 and given the designation Marine Type 99 Aircraft Carrier Bomber Model 11 and the factory designation Aichi D3A1. This type would be the standard dive bomber for the Japanese Navy until June 1942.
爱知D3A型瓦尔轰炸机 - 百度百科
99式舰载俯冲轰炸机 (D3A) (99舰爆)是日本帝国海军著名的轰炸机之一,自始至终参加了太平洋战争。 1937-38年间,爱知公司在双翼的94舰爆和96舰爆的基础上设计了该机,其设计特点是:下单翼、全金属结构、起落架有整流罩,要求载弹250公斤,俯冲的最终速度达到240节。 1939年 (日本旧历2099年),D3A正式被海军采纳,因而得名99。 99舰爆的各种型号共生产了1500架左右。 盟国称其为“Val”。 99舰爆进攻时携带250公斤载弹,从顺风方向高度4千米开始俯冲,角度70到90 …
Aichi D3A1 Type 99 Model 11 Kaga AII-246 | HLJ.com
This is a die-cast metal and plastic display aircraft. A pre-painted completed 1/144 scale desktop model of the B5N2 in the markings of "AII-246" off the Kaga. Please note that the photos shown are of a prototype; the production version may vary.
Aichi D3A Dive Bomber - War in the Skies
During the course of the Second World War, the D3A dive bomber sank more Allied warships than any other Axis aircraft. In mid-1936, the Japanese Navy issued the 11-Shi specification for a monoplane carrier-based dive bomber to replace the existing D1A biplane currently in service.