Aichi D3A - Wikipedia
The D3A1 first saw combat operation in November 1939, one month prior to its official acceptance as the Navy Type 99 dive bomber. Nakajima sent several examples to the 14th Air group operating at Haikou on Hainan island in South China .
Aviation of Japan 日本の航空史: Detailing the D3A1
2021年2月22日 · Ryan Toews has recently completed and shared a very fine analysis illustrating a number of details of the Aichi D3A1 'Val', Type 99 Carrier Bomber (99 Shiki Kanjoh Bakugeki-ki - 九九式艦上爆撃機) known as 99 Kanbaku (九九艦爆) with an important goal being to compile a list of modifications and/or additions applicable to the 1/48 ...
九九式艦上轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
日本海軍在昭和14年 (1939年)12月16日決定由愛知勝出競標,並定名為 九九式艦上爆擊機一一型,型號為 D3A。 九九艦爆原型採用的是中島生產的光一型發動機,但動力潛能不足為不爭事實,量產型在海軍要求下更換為三菱的 金星四四型。 九九艦爆一一型含量產機合計生產476架。 在1942年,愛知開始改良九九艦爆性能,除了更換出力更大的金星五四型發動機(離地輸出1,300匹馬力)外,並對機體空氣動力構型做出些微修正;1943年服役的改良型稱為 九九式艦上爆擊 …
Aichi D3A1 - 3D Model by Carlo Cestra - RenderHub
Aichi D3A1 3D Model The Aichi D3A Type 99 Carrier Bomber (Allied reporting name Val) was a World War II carrier-borne dive bomber. It was the primary dive bomber of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) and was involved in almost all IJN actions, including the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Aichi D3A - World War Photos
Production began in 1939, with Aichi producing 476 D3A1 (including an increased number of prototypes) and 816 Type D3A2s. In addition, 220 late production D3A2 were produced at Showa Aircraft Co. Of these, 135 were still in production at the end of the war. Some of the D3A2 were converted into training planes with a control unit in the rear seat.
Aichi D3A1 and D3A2 visual differences? - Britmodeller.com
2021年10月11日 · The first crutch picture below shows both kinds, with the D3A1's on top. The second and third crutch pictures are those for the D3A1 and D3A2, respectively. The last picture is of a crashed and sunken D3A2.
Aichi D3A 'Val' Interior in Detail & Colour ~ Part 2 - Aviation of …
2009年4月10日 · The sample with the lowest AICHI serial number (a D3A1) was NMF on the lower surface and field-applied dark-green on the upper surfaces (no primer) and another had painted aluminum lower surfaces on the lower surfaces and …
爱知D3A型瓦尔轰炸机 - 百度百科
爱知D3A1批量生产型号更换为三菱“金星”43/44星型14缸三叶片式螺旋桨发动机(728千瓦/790千瓦),机载武器为3挺7.7毫米机枪,其中机翼两侧各装一挺,后座舱放置一挺旋转式活动机枪;机腹中线可挂载一枚250公斤炸弹,两侧机翼各挂载一枚30公斤炸弹。 爱知D3A1从1939年12月生产到1942年8月总共生产了470架。
D3A1 'Val' - olddogsplanes.com
D3A1 'Val' On December 7, 1941 the D3A1 became the first Japanese aircraft to drop bombs on American targets. Despite its apparent obsolescence the aircraft achieved considerable success during the first ten months of the war and sank more Allied fighting ships than any other single type of Axis aircraft.
Aichi D3A - Combined Fleet
Description: Single-engined carrier-borne and land-based dive-bomber (D3A1 and D3A2) or bomber trainer (D3A2-K). All-metal construction with fabric-covered control surfaces. Accommodation: Crew of two in tandem enclosed cockpits.