Hibana -Reloaded- - Dig Delight Direct Drive DJ Wiki
Hibana (ヒバナ, Hibana?) is a song originally produced by DECO*27 and performed by the Vocaloid Hatsune Miku and is featured with "Reloaded" edition in D4DJ Groovy Mix. It's the fourth VOCALOID song...
Maihime - D4DJ All Mix [Opening Version] [Hatsune Miku: Project …
A Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Mega Mix+ (PDMEGAMIX+) Mod in the Custom Songs category, submitted by SoraM01.
Dig Delight Direct Drive DJ Wiki - Fandom
This wiki is a comprehensive encyclopedia that covers the multimedia franchise created by Bushiroad and managed by DONUTS, Dig Delight Direct Drive (shortened to D4DJ). This wiki aims to cover every aspect of the series from the game , …
GETCHA! - Vocaloid Wiki | Fandom
"GETCHA!" is an original song by Giga and KIRA. The song has entered the Hall of Legend and exceeded over 8 million YouTube views. This song was featured on the following compilation albums: Digital Stars feat. MIKU & GUMI Compilation GUMIFUL! This song was featured in the game D4DJ Groovy Mix...
I managed to get the #1 Miku title! : r/D4DJ - Reddit
2021年6月21日 · 110 votes, 20 comments. 11K subscribers in the D4DJ community. D4DJ (Dig Delight Direct Drive DJ) is a multimedia project by Bushiroad. It mainly is…
如何评价Bushiroad公司新企划 D4DJ 的发展前景? - 知乎
”D4DJ是一个以DJ为主题的企划,虽然为了能够更好的适应于2.5次元企划的运营,它并没有将DJ场里的内容全部照抄过来,但是D4DJ公演的应援自由性相比于其他公演确实很高。 查看D4DJ 1st LIVE的注意事项,有关于应援部分的事项相当宽松,除了禁止严重的推搡与超过常识长度的应援棒以外,几乎不加限制。 再有在选择扮演者的时候,很明显Bushiroad想要做到粉丝差异化,因为近一半的扮演者都没有在Bushiroad的其他企划中出现过,其中例如平嶋夏海、冈田梦以、 …
D4DJ Groovy Mix Tag - VocaDB
2024年9月3日 · D4DJ Groovy Mix is a mobile rhythm game developed by DONUTS and formerly published by Bushiroad, based on the Dig Delight Direct Drive! (D4DJ) franchise. It was first released in Japan on Oct. 25, 2020, with an English server releasing on May. 27, 2021.
D4DJ D4 FES. LIVE -ALL IN- - 萌娘百科
2021年5月29日,演唱会上「D4DJ D4 FES. -Be Happy- REMIX」宣布将于2022年初夏举办D4DJ的大型演唱会。 10月公布举办日期,12月公布公演标题以及出演者。 公演原名:D4DJ D4 FES. LIVE -ALL IN- 票价: 购票方式: Merm4id 2nd Single「BOOM-BOOM SHAKE!」 Happy Around! 3rd Single「Hey! Be Ambitious!」 Peaky P-key 3rd Single「Let us sing "Peaky!!"」 Lyrical Lily 3rd Single「冒険王! 票价: Happy Around! (西尾夕香 、 各务华梨 、 三村遥 …
D4DJ | Dig Delight Direct Drive DJ Wiki | Fandom
D4DJ (日文:ディーフォーディージェー;英文全稱:Dig Delight Direct Drive DJ)是以 DJ 為主題的多媒體企劃,並有動畫、遊戲等衍生作品,由 武士道 的 木谷高明 所催生,是武士道繼《少女☆歌劇 Revue Starlight》、《BanG Dream!》之後的第三個音樂題材跨媒體製作策劃。 該策劃的統括製作人 中山雅弘 在接受《Anime! Anime!》的採訪時提到,公司的董事長 木谷高明 在參觀澀谷萬聖節並體驗到當時的狂熱氣氛時,想了解為什麼人們能對此如此狂熱和興奮。
MMD, miku miku dance, D4DJ / 【MMD】Sweet cookie - pixiv
MMD, miku miku dance, D4DJ, Izumo Saki are the most prominent tags for this work posted on April 1st, 2022.