D6sus4 Guitar Chord | D sixth suspended fourth | Scales-Chords
D sixth suspended fourth Chord for Guitar has the notes D G A B and interval structure 1 4 5 6 and has 6 possible voicings/fret configurations. D6sus4 for Guitar has the notes D G A B and can be played 6 different ways. Get the charts and learn about its interval structure: 1 4 5 6.
D6sus4 Chord - JGuitar
JGuitar's handy chord search utility allows you to quickly draw chord diagrams for virtually any chord symbol. Just enter one or more chord symbols separated by commas into the search box and hit "Go" and JGuitar will draw chord diagrams for each of the chord symbols entered. Show D6sus4 results in Chord Calculator.
D6sus4 Guitar Chord Chart | Open D Tuning - JamPlay.com
Chord chart diagrams for the D6sus4 chord in Open D tuning. Known as the D Major Sixth Suspended 4 or Dmaj6sus, Dsixth sus, DM6sus, Dmajor sixth suspended, chord. Learn 20 different voicings of the D6sus4 chord on guitar with printable chord charts.
D6sus4 guitar chord - GtrLib Chords
D6 suspended 4th guitar chord is also written as D6sus4. View guitar chords chart for D6 suspended 4th chord along with suggested finger positions.
D6sus4 Piano Chord | D sixth suspended fourth | Scales-Chords
D sixth suspended fourth Chord for Piano has the notes D G A B and interval structure 1 4 5 6.
什么是Sus和弦(挂留和弦) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Sus和弦,是suspended的缩写,这个单词是悬浮,挂留的意思,和弦中的三音通常 替换 为二音或四音的和弦。 本质上,假设我们采用C大音阶,它对应于以下7个音符:C – D – E – F – G – A –B。 C大调和弦是通过C大调音阶中的第一音符,第三音符和第五音符创建的。 就是 C,E,和G。 我在下面的和弦图中显示了这3个音符。 因此,现在我们知道大和弦是由音符1、3、5组成的。 挂留和弦通常将大音阶3度的音符替换为 2或4 的 音符。 因此,这意味着对于C大音阶示 …
How To Play The D6sus4 Chord On Guitar - Guvna Guitars
2024年2月2日 · This is how you play the D6sus4 chord on guitar.Tune your guitarTune your guitar to the standard tuning (EADGBe)Index finger: 2nd fret, 3rd string.Place your...
How To Play D6sus4 Chord On Guitar (Finger Positions)
Play the D6sus4 chord by placing your fingers exactly where the diagram shows and strumming the correct strings. Here's where to position your fingers when you want to play the D6sus4 …
Chord du Jour: D6sus4 (Guitar, Intermediate)
2007年7月17日 · A D6sus4 chord consists of a root note (D), a suspended 4th (G), a perfect 5th (A), and a 6th note (B).
16. 吉他和弦第十六问:挂留和弦(sus2和sus4) - 知乎
挂二和弦(sus2) 指用二度音来代替原和弦的三度音而形成的和弦。 以C大三和弦为例,组成音为1、3、5,挂留和弦用2代替3,所以C大三和弦的挂留和弦组成音是1、2、5,写成 Csus2。 挂四和弦(sus4) 指用四度音来代替原和弦的三度音而形成的和弦。