2024年1月18日 · 该系列已发布正式作品至第十六部,分别是:《使命召唤》、《使命召唤2》、《使命召唤3》... 版本介绍: v1.0.12.53|集成全DLCs|容量22.1GB|官... 版本介绍: 终极版|容 …
#d6d6d6 hex color - ColorHexa
In a RGB color space, hex #d6d6d6 is composed of 83.9% red, 83.9% green and 83.9% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 0% cyan, 0% magenta, 0% yellow and 16.1% black. It has a hue angle of 0 degrees, a saturation of 0% and a lightness of 83.9%. #d6d6d6 color hex could be obtained by blending #ffffff with #adadad.
#d6d6d6十进制的RGB值为R:214, G:214, B:214。 CMYK值为C:0.0, M:0.0, Y: 0.0, K: 16.078. 为您提供丰富多样的颜色搭配灵感,帮助您在各个领域中实现理想的视觉效果。 此段文字的字体颜色为 #d6d6d6. 此段背景颜色为 #d6d6d6. 这个边框颜色为 #d6d6d6. d6d6d6颜色信息,#d6d6d6是什么颜色,最佳配色方案颜色表,rgb (214,214,214)调色板,十六进制代码,色彩空间转换RGB、CMYK、HSL、HSV、XYZ、xyY等信息。
#d6d6d6 Color Hex Gray84
#d6d6d6 color RGB value is (214,214,214). #d6d6d6 color name is Gray84 color. #d6d6d6 hex color red value is 214, green value is 214 and the blue value of its RGB is 214. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #d6d6d6 hue: 0.00 , saturation: 0.00 and the lightness value of d6d6d6 is 0.84.
十六进制颜色代码#d6d6d6是亮度的灰色阴影。在RGB三原色光模式中,#d6d6d6是由83.92%的红色,83.92%的绿色和83.92%的蓝色组成。在HSL色彩空间里,#d6d6d6有0度的色调,0%的饱和度以及84%的亮度。这种颜色的波长将近0.0纳米。 顏色變化. 转换 #292929; 25%饱和度 ...
#D6D6D6 RGB Color Code
The #D6D6D6 RGB color code is composed of a hexadecimal D6 red (214/256), a D6 green (214/256) and a D6 blue component (214/256). The decimal RGB color code is rgb(214,214,214) . Closest WebSafe color: Pastel gray (#CCCCCC)
#D6D6D6 Hex Color - RGB: 214, 214, 214 - Color Code - Color …
This page lists many detailed information about the hex color #D6D6D6. Its Hexadecimal code is D6D6D6. In a RGB color space, which is consist of 83.92% red, 83.92% green and 83.92% blue, and that corresponding RGB values are 214, 214, 214.
#d6d6d6 十六进制颜色信息 - SpyColor.com
在RGB色彩模式,六角三重 #d6d6d6 有小数指数: 14079702, 由 83.9% 红, 83.9% 绿色 和 83.9% 蓝色. #d6d6d6 在CMYK色彩模式, 由 0% 青色, 0% 品红, 0% 黄色 和 16.1% 黑色. #cccccc 是最接近的网页安全色 #d6d6d6.
#D6D6D6 Color Info - Coolors
Get useful #D6D6D6 color information like combinations, blindness simulation, libraries matching and converson in RGB, HSB, HSL and more.
#D6D6D6の色見本やRGB、HSVなどの詳しい色情報です。 色相や彩度を変えたときの配色も見ることができます。
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