More Insights About Nikon D880 Camera Features - Daily …
2021年3月26日 · In terms of Nikon D880 features, the camera will carry almost the same basic features that we saw on the Nikon Z7. While the sensor resolution has not yet been confirmed, multiple rumors indicate that Nikon D880 DSLR prototypes with specifications 55MP or 60MP FF BSI CMOS Sensor are available.
SENTINEL 880 Series Gamma-Ray Source Projectors - QSA Global
SENTINEL™ 880 Series gamma-ray source projectors are designed, manufactured, and approved for use with authorized SENTINEL radioisotope sources, controls, guide tubes, and …
佳能今年推出4款全幅 尼康D880参数曝光_器材_色影无忌
该相机将具有与Z7几乎相同的核心规格。 尽管尚未确定传感器的分辨率,但据传闻尼康D880原型机将具有4700万像素和5500万像素全画幅BSI CMOS 传感器。 4700万/ 5500万像素全画幅格式BSI CMOS传感器 Expeded 6图像处理器 4K 24、30、60fps N-Log,N-Log2和10位HDMI输出
Nikon D880? - Digital Photography Review
2020年11月16日 · I think this "D880" or whatever it is supposed to be, is an appeasement offering to the dSLR worshipers (like me). But if the final specs are anything like what's in my OP, I do not see much in the way of going for it, based on my current D850 ownership.
尼康D580和D880主要参数曝光_器材_色影无忌 - 无忌器材
2020年11月28日 · 据资深摄影师、著名You ※※※※※ TonyNorthup透露,尼康可能会发布D580(尼康D500的后继产品)和尼康D880(D850的后继产品)。 以下是尼康D580和D880的预测规格。 尼康D880规格看起来比较合理。 几乎与2020年初发布的传闻相同。 文章来源: Nikon D580 and Nikon D880 Rumored Specification. 仅供读者参考,本网站不对内容准确性和消息来源负责. 正如我们已经告诉您的那样,尼康正计划在2021年推出两款新的数码单反相机。 据资深 …
D880C_FeiHong (飞虹)_D880C中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立创商城
D880C由FeiHong (飞虹)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 D880C价格参考¥0.4771。 FeiHong (飞虹) D880C参数名称:集电极电流 (Ic):3A;集射极击穿电压 (Vceo):60V;耗散功率 (Pd):1.5W;特征频率 (fT):3MHz;集电极截止电流 (Icbo):1uA;集射极饱和电压 (VCE (sat)):1.2V@3A,300mA。 下载D880C中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有三极管 (BJT)详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
尼康D880参数曝光_器材_色影无忌 - 无忌器材
2020年1月20日 · 尽管尚未确定传感器的分辨率,但据传闻尼康D880原型机将具有4700万像素和5500万像素全画幅BSIS传感器。 4700万/ 5500万像素全画幅格式BSI CMOS传感器 Expeded 6图像处理器 4K 24、30、60fps N-Log,N-Log2和10位HDMI输出 机身防抖:无(早期原型机中)
More Insights About Nikon D880 Camera Features
2021年3月26日 · More insights and information about Nikon D880 features continue to come. As you know, we combined the first and up-to-date Nikon D880 specifications with our expectations on DCN. In early 2021, new additions began to leak for anticipated specifications on Nikon’s high-resolution DSLR series. … Read more ←
尼康D880曝光:能否续写D850的传奇? - 百家号
2024年8月2日 · 从目前的曝光信息来看,尼康D880在硬件配置上进行了全面升级。 据传,它将采用一块全新的背照式传感器,有效像素有望突破5000万,这将为摄影师提供更为细腻的细节表现和更宽广的动态范围。
Thoughts on D880, will it happen? : r/Nikon - Reddit
2021年6月27日 · Hi guys, I'm still running with my trusty old D800 and been wanting an update since my camera is already a bit beaten after all these years. I would really like to get the D880 if it ever comes out (thinking it will be an upgrade to the D850 in the same degree that the D780 was to the D750), but as things are, I'm not sure it will ever happen.