D93 (9300k) - AVS Forum
2009年2月14日 · I was told that D93 is the white point in Japan TV broadcast standard, we should calibrate TVs to D93 for watching Japan programs or satlelite broadcast. Is that true? They also give some xy coordinates for white point, primary color, and secondary color. SYC
Tutorial: CRT Color Calibration for Video Games - JAMMArcade.net
2024年4月24日 · The abbreviation for 6500 kelvin color temperature is D65 while the abbreviation for 9300 kelvin is D93. Note that display color calibration is a VERY deep rabbit hole with a lot of information, detail and nuance. This guide is intended for enthusiasts that just want a procedure they can quickly step through to make their displays look nice.
2、日本富士、朝日、TBS、TV TOKYO、NTV等5家电视台至今都用D93的标准制作节目。 3、索尼电视的“标准”模式,用的是中间色温,也许这个可以说明一些问题。
Template:Color temperature white points - Wikipedia
" [D93 represents a color temperature of 9,305 K, and it is the white reference used for monitors in Japan.]
讲一下日本电视、游戏、动画的色温问题_≡ 家 电 类 ≡_家用电器
2021年1月10日 · 由于日本在模拟电视时代坚持用D93色温,高清电视时代才逐渐用上D65、而日本的高标清同播时代又拖了十几年,使得电视节目编导的形成了惯性,最终导致D65国际色温标准在日本 ...
Color temperature for games and consoles: 6500K or 9300K?
2018年2月19日 · My BVM-20F1J is calibrated to 6500° Kelvin with a Spectracal C6 and CalMAN Video Pro. I could, at some point, make a separate profile to 9300° Kelvin but I really hate that color temperature.
2021年11月19日 · D93:9300K,一般未经校正的显示器就是这个白光点。 若用它匹配标准光照条件显然太蓝,显示图像太明亮。 CWF:4150K,典型的美国商业和办公光源,使用美国商业荧光灯,显色指数为 62。 U30(TL83):3000K,美国商场照明灯光,其色温为 显色指数为 85。 TL84: 4000K,欧洲商业和办公光源,显色指数为 85。 TL85:5000k. UV:用于检测增白剂荧光效果的光源。 文章浏览阅读1k次。 色温色温是表示光线中包含颜色成分的一个计量单位。 从 …
Finally got a REAL production monitor- a few questions..... [Archive ...
2004年11月13日 · D93 (9300 Degrees Kelvin) is too bright. The gray scale, especially the highlights will be off. "Blue Only" turns only the blue gun on (red and green are turned off). Lacking the red and green parts of the spectrum, only a gray scale can be made.
色温可在D93、D65或用户什么意思? - 百度知道
D93 (9300k) | Page 2 | AVS Forum
2006年2月13日 · If technical papers from the ARIB mention D93, that's good enough for me. And even if D93 is not an "official term" ("official" needs to be defined here) it should be fairly well understood that it implies a D series illuminant at 9300K. 9300K is a fairly vague calibration target, whereas D93 would be a specific point.