da form 3349, feb 2004 da form 3349, may 86, is obsolete. 2. codes (table 7-2 ar 40-501) 3. temporary permanent p u l h e s 4. profile type yes no c. if a permanent profile with a 3 or 4 pulhes, does the soldier meet retention standards iaw chapter 3 ar 40-501?
PHYSICAL PROFILE RECORD For use of this form, see AR 40-XX; the proponent agency for this form is the Office of the Surgeon General SECTION 1: SOLDIER INFORMATION
Army Publishing Directorate
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This pamphlet provides information to help command-ers, Soldiers, and medical treatment personnel better understand physical profiling, the Physical Performance Evaluation System, and the Physical...
DA Form 3349 Fill and Edit 2023-2024 - PDF Guru
The DA Form 3349 is a document used by the U.S. Army to assess and record the physical profile of its service members. This form is crucial for determining the medical fitness and limitations of an individual, ensuring they are assigned duties that match their physical capabilities.
Da Form 3349 – Fill Out and Use This PDF - FormsPal
Da Form 3349 – Fill Out and Use This PDF. The DA Form 3349 is the official Physical Profile document utilized by the United States Army, as outlined by AR 40-501, and governed by the Office of the Surgeon General. It provides a comprehensive record of a soldier's medical condition, including injury or illness, with a detailed description and ...
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The DA Form 3349-SG (System Generated) is primarily a communication tool between the profiling officer, the Soldier, and the commander to address duty limitations. The DA Form 3349-SG...
Fillable DA Form 3349 | PDF & Word Samples - FormSwift
A fillable DA 3349 Form is used to document the physical fitness and capabilities of a US Army soldier. The purpose of the form is to record whether the abilities of the soldier. It includes the soldier's ability to finish a two-mile run and push-ups.
Need help understanding DA 3349 | Physical Evaluation Board Forum
2014年6月24日 · The alphabetical coding system will be recorded on the DA Form 3349, item 2 and personnel qualification records. Up to three different codes can be listed in item 2. This coding system will not be used on medical records to identify limitations. The numerical designations under each profile factor, PULHES, are given in table 7-1, below."
DA Form 3349 Physical Profile - TemplateRoller
2010年9月1日 · DA Form 3349, Physical Profile, is an official document issued by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA) to describe the medical condition of a service member.
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