DA42 MPP – A powerful and cost-effective mission solution
Our DA42 MPP offers exceptional features: Low operating costs and minimum downtime: lowest fuel consumption, ultra-long endurance, overnight on-site maintenance for engines and airframe, worldwide support and service centre network, unlimited life time for all composite components
DA42 MPP – Technical Specifications - Diamond Aircraft Industries
Specifications are based on an aircraft configuration with universal nose, underfloor pod, satcom radome and gimbal camera equipment. Specifications can differ depending on the specific sensor equipment. The above quoted data are approximately …
Diamond DA42 Twin Star - Wikipedia
The Diamond DA42 Twin Star is a four seat, twin engine, propeller-driven airplane developed and manufactured in Austria and Canada by Diamond Aircraft Industries, an Austrian subsidiary of China-based Wanfeng Aviation. [3] .
Diamond Aircraft DA42 – The definition of perfection
The DA42 offers exceptional visibility thanks to its panoramic wrap around canopy and generous rear windows. Comfortable access for all on board is assured through the forward swinging canopy and large rear door that provides access to the …
DA42 MPP GUARDIAN Surveillance Aircraft - Airforce Technology
2013年7月4日 · The DA42 MPP (Multi Purpose Platform) GUARDIAN is a flexible, surveillance aircraft manufactured by Diamond Aircraft Industries. The aircraft is based on DA42 twin-engine aircraft. Role
国内首架双载荷DA42MPP飞机顺利交付! - 新浪看点
DA42 MPP是中国钻石与奥地利钻石飞机公司专门开发的多用途双发飞机平台,其多用途构型已经获得欧洲航空安全局(EASA)和中国民航局(CAAC)批准。 (领导合影) DA42MPP飞机基于DA42NG机型改造,已经获得欧洲航空安全局(EASA)和中国民航局(CAAC)批准。 MPP机型在机身各个部位均进行了改装强化,可在交付后根据终端用户使用需求不断进行作业改装,搭载各类作业设备和宽带卫星通信设备, 实现包含5G应急通信、人工降雨、航空摄影、激光测绘、 …
DA42 MPP - 飞机制造产品 - 浙江万丰奥威汽轮股份有限公司
为追求更高性能、更大有效载荷、更远航程和续航能力,以及无限制认证和全天候能力,钻石开发了da42 mpp多功能平台。da42 mpp由安静、平稳、低油耗的专有涡轮增压喷气燃料活塞发动机驱动,具备执行传统飞机无法执行任务的潜力。
DA42-MPP型飞机在边境巡逻领域中的应用 - 百度文库
DA42-MPP(Multi-purpose Platform)型飞机具有机动 性好、作业区域大、实时性强、可靠性高、成本低廉等诸 多特点。 其在边境巡逻中用于侦察监视、目标获取、毁伤 评估通信中继等任务时,能够缩小发现目标与打击目标之间 情报传输和信息反馈的信息差、时间差,能够以最快的速度 将边境的突发情况传输到指挥中心,便于下一步作战任务的 下达。 2 DA42-MPP 型飞机介绍. 和经济意义。 [1]徐黎丽,那仁满都呼.现代国家“边境”的界定[J]. 中国边疆史地研 …
Diamond DA42MPP - Egmont Aviation
Twin engine, four-seater DA42 MPP remote sensing platform. Diamond Aircraft offers a range of turnkey solutions for various types of missions, from surveillance to geo survey to HD TV missions. Additionally, Diamond is an OEM that welcomes and supports the development and certification of custom configurations to suit each customer’s specific ...
2020 DIAMOND DA42 MPP - Aircraft.com
Find 2020 DIAMOND DA42 MPP with serial number on Aircraft.com. View photos, ownership, registration history, and more. Aircraft.com is the leading registry for planes, jets, and helicopters