DAC-1 - Wikipedia
DAC-1, for Design Augmented by Computer, was one of the earliest graphical computer aided design systems. Developed by General Motors, IBM was brought in as a partner in 1960 and the two developed the system and released it to production in 1963. It was publicly unveiled at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in Detroit 1964.
Marantz DAC-1の仕様 マランツ - オーディオの足跡
lhh2000のアウトプットトランスの設計思想を継承し、デジタル・ライントランスフォーマーdlt-1と組合わせての再生も可能です。 機種の定格 型式
Computerizing Car Design: The DAC-1 - CHM Revolution
Computerizing Car Design: The DAC-1. In the late 1950s, the world’s biggest carmaker and the leading computer company joined forces to create one of the first major systems to design a consumer product. IBM completed its Design Automated by Computer (DAC-1) software for General Motors in 1964.
General Motors and IBM Develop the First CAD Program
In December 1962 DAC-1 (Design Augmented by Computers), the first computer-assisted design (CAD) program, was demonstrated. Development of the program began at GM in Detroit in 1959, with IBM brought in as a partner in 1960.
Audio Research DAC1 D/A converter - Stereophile.com
2011年8月8日 · Priced at $2995, the solid-state DAC1 in many ways represents a serious challenge to the best digital playback currently available—regardless of price. The DAC1 is the first digital product from the 20-year-old Minnesota company that has continually pushed the state of the art in music-playback technology, especially in preamplifier design.
Benchmark DAC1 USB D/A processor & headphone amplifier
2008年1月18日 · As its name suggests, the new DAC1 adds a USB port to take digital audio data directly from a computer at sample rates up to 96kHz and bit depths up to 24.
2019年1月19日 · HD-DAC1音质最好的是同轴输入,其次分别是U盘(USB-A口)、APPLE设备(USB-A口),USB界面最差(USB-B口)。 我用HIFIMAN 901U的同轴输出(COAX)时,可以明显感觉到动态和声音密度是要强于其它输入模式的。 因此很有必要为HD-DAC1配一个数播或CD机,应该可以得到比较有效提升。 平时最多的场景是用APPLE设备。 APPLE作为音源时,不论用HD650(开中增益)还是榭兰图(开低增益)听流行都不错,声底干净、有氛围、密度够 …
玩尽一台benchmark dac-1解码耳放有多难? - 知乎专栏
Benchmark dac1是曾经红极一时的解码耳放一体机,上市应该有十多年了,当年没玩耳机系统,不太清楚当时的市场价格,但估计应该不少于八千大洋了吧? 当年的网红机,销量当然很可观,因而现今二手市场上存量大、交易活跃。 咸鱼上随时可见不同年份、不同版本、不同成色的Dac1,配置上亦有些许差别:有专业版、usb版、hdr版等等。 但我发现许多耳机发烧友,全新或二手入手后都持有的时间不长,很快就又转手出去了。 对它的评价也是五花八门,意见相 …
DAC-1按照官方的说法是电路严谨用料到位,不偷工减料,作为平价解码来说,堆料确实也是一种简单粗暴的办法,比一些只靠一张嘴的国产机器来说要靠谱许多,没有化繁为简的神仙功力就应该老老实实把电路的用料把控好。 DAC-1开盖后还是让玩家觉得物超所值的,做了隔离的60瓦环牛与伊娜电容在电路板上排列的整整齐齐,运放是两片OPA2604。
自然声DAC-1解码换运放升级记—差距非常明显,玄学的胜利 - 知乎
DAC-1是台很好玩的 解码器,它的一个特点是可以更换芯片,支持PCM1793\PCM794\PCM1798和CS43122\4397\4398芯片的更换(当然,不是直接更换,而是通过一块的电路板进行更换)。 这些芯片都是非常经典的24bit解码芯片了,声音非常好、素质也不低。 尤其是1794,哪怕到今天,公认依然可以排到解码芯片的第一梯队,跟现今流行的ESS9018系列和AK4499这些芯片比也不落下风的。 DAC-1可以在PCM1794和CS4398芯片进行更换(可 …
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